"Killer Train": Maxima meets Bole


What's so good about movies?

Because "Bullet Train" (Taiwan translation "Bullet Train") was adapted from Isaka Kotaro's novel "Ladybug", so the film immediately went to the theater to see it.

I looked for movies adapted from Isaka's novels before, but I couldn't find anything I could find. For example, my favorite "Lush Life", I couldn't find any movies.

Many times I am disappointed with the movies adapted from Isaka's novels. Many of them are like TV dramas without the quality of movies at all. Even a few of them are not bad, such as "Reaper's Accuracy", "Serenade", "Grasshopper", I still feel unsatisfied, I always feel that I can't make the unique feeling of Isaka's novels.

Then, after watching "Killer Train" adapted by Hollywood, I finally got a feeling of "Maximum meets Bole".

This is a good movie.

Of course, it is impossible for the movie to restore the novel 100%, but it is already very loyal to the original book. Of course, there are places for adaptation, but the adaptation is not bad.

As a book fan of Isaka, I must have a different feeling when watching movies than ordinary audiences. If the film was so mediocre, I would feel that Izaka's story was wasted, but if the film was well made, I was very happy.

Although I personally think "Killer Train" is well done, the reputation of this movie is polar. I don't quite understand why some people think it's not good-looking, but every movie always has some people who like it and some people don't, so I can only say that the magnetic field is wrong. All right.

The novel is originally developed in multiple lines, so the film is also developed in multiple lines. I will talk about this for a while, talk about that for a while, and occasionally insert memories. The film is actually shot in an orderly manner, and the images are sharp and the fighting is exciting, which makes people dizzy. Moreover, each character in the movie is also wonderful in its own way, no one is particularly boring, accidents one after another, bloody and funny, making the audience feel like they are on a roller coaster, always unable to guess what will happen next. There really isn't much film experience. (Most movies actually make it easy to guess what the next plot is)

What is the story about?

After one sentence is finished, it is a group of killers fighting on the train. Finish.

Of course, the story is not that simple.

An unlucky killer (nicknamed "Ladybug") has just returned from the arena and was given the super simple task of finding a briefcase on the train and getting off the train.

It's super easy, he can easily find the briefcase, the problem is that he can't get out of the car.

Every time he wanted to get off the train, he would encounter twists and turns, and he gradually discovered that he was not the only killer on the train, so it soon developed into a killer fight.

Of course, this is not a big fight without a target. Isaka's novels are known for their ingenious lines, and even the smallest details are closely related to the theme. At the end of the movie, it is natural to discover that all the clues that were previously thought to be irrelevant are related to the theme. It is closely related to the theme of "destiny".

It's really a pleasant surprise to see a cool movie with a perfect score for entertainment but bring out the theme of "destiny".

Gorgeous cast

The cast of "Killer Train" is very gorgeous, in fact, the series of stars is also surprising.

First of all, Brad Pitt's leading role, Ladybug, is the biggest attraction. There are a lot of fight scenes, and most of the time in person without the use of doubles. It's hilarious as well, I just watched "Meet Joe Black" before watching this movie, he was really handsome at the time, of course he's old now, but he doesn't have any artificial marks on his face, That's how old and elegant it is. Even with a stubborn face and a wrinkled face, people are handsome no matter how they look with confidence.

Next up was Aaron Taylor-Johnson, who played Citrus. I learned in hindsight that he turned out to be the main character of Kick Ass, and I really liked Kick Ass. He and Brian Tyree Henry play the twin brother killers, which are very good looking, and the brotherhood is even more touching. Lemon, played by Brian Tyree Henry, likes Thomas the Train in both movies and novels, but Citrus is a literary youth in the novel and often talks about literary novels. Unfortunately, this setting was deleted in the movie, but it is still a character in the movie. Charismatic killers (I really like the brothers in the novel).

The prince played by Joey King is the most annoying character in the novel. In the novel, he is a pure evil ass boy, but in the movie, he adds another layer of meaning to the character of the prince. I like the setting of the novel a little more, but The changes in the movie version also make the theme of "destiny" in the story buckle better.

The Japanese samurai played by Hiroyuki Sanada shows Japanese martial arts feelings, which should make fans hooked.

Last but not least, Sandra Bullock's cameo, because she's in this film, so Brad Pitt also cameo in her movie "The Lost City", which is really fun. In fact, there are other star guest appearances, so please accept the surprise when you enter.

Is this movie worth watching?

If you like to watch cool movies, this movie is a must-see. It has both fighting and funny, and a turning point in ten minutes. There is no cold scene at all. Although the scene is mainly on the train, there are different cards on the train, and the fighting scenes are not single. It is very enjoyable to make full use of the characteristics of the train to carry out different fights.

If you only watch literary films, this is definitely not your cup of tea, although I think that making killer films develop into the theme of destiny is actually a very literary thing.

More great movies: Movie Time


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