Witness the moment of miracle

The magic show witnesses the moment of miracles, the self-expression, and the satisfaction of desire. Desires reveal the self, thoughts liberate the soul, and the soul of the self is intertwined between desires and thoughts.

You and I both know that the magic show is fake, but we all love to watch it, and we are surprised to see the magician appear confidently, full of mysterious smiles, and shout the moment of witnessing the miracle. Once upon a time, when magic tricks were deliberately revealed, and seeing those tricks, the miracle of witness was lost, and the sense of curiosity disappeared! All kinds of magic tricks are a kind of obscurity. Magic performances are not attractive. It is like telling. Knowing and not knowing determines the fun. The more you know, the less happy you are. The desire to promote a happy life.

For everyone, happiness is like a kind of miracle. As we grow older and understand more and more things, happiness becomes less and less, but troubles and pains continue to increase, and happiness becomes difficult to find. It has become a kind of miracle, people can only learn the magic trick, open one eye and close one eye, to witness the moment of the miracle, and try to make themselves feel better.

We all want to have a happy soul, but the soul does not know what happiness is? Only when one is satisfied can one feel happy. Everyone has their own unique soul. When they have an idea, they can further their desire to promote it, which highlights their own soul, shows their own ideas and desires, and has their own personal characteristics. The complexity of ideas and desires, we have different souls, and the desire to dominate has always driven ideas. This is the commonality of souls, so desire makes the soul make a deal, and the soul can be easily sold. The desire to dominate makes You have no other thoughts, just for satisfaction, the filthy soul is derived from desire, and the one who is inadvertently dominated will betray the ego, because the ego is always looking for the direction of happiness.

Desire highlights the self, but also limits the soul, finds the direction of the self, it satisfies the desire, but limits the idea, it is the ego that restricts the idea, if the idea does not break through, the soul will not be free, and the ego locks the soul , Seeing is believing, seeing is believing, always look at everything from the window of the soul, thoughts are always limited, unfree souls, there is still a happy self, ignorance and the moment of witnessing miracles.

At some point, when desire is no longer dominating the self, thinking is not limited, seeing and wanting are linked together, seeing one thing and thinking about many things, and having the flexibility to do whatever one wants, I gradually feel that my self is very small, why has it always been I am obsessed with myself, looking for happiness everywhere, but I can't feel it. The pain is always more than the experience of happiness. This is the moment to witness the miracle, it will not be a magic show. The released soul can be witnessed. The miracle of a free soul is not to arrange for desires, it reduces the interference of emotions and desires, the mind gradually becomes clear, the calm lake reflects the mountains, telling that a clear mind can see through everything, happiness is caused by pain, life is too painful, so I have been looking for happiness, but I have been in pain all my life, and I can be reborn. Only the soul that has been released means that I have changed my mind, but in the end it is still the master (desire), the desire remains unchanged. Free your soul.


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