
Being blessed is the fate of a man?

Being blessed is the fate of a man? Recently, I feel that my belt is getting wider. It is an illusion. Since graduation, I have been blessed with the flow, and I have added 7.5kg of new meat.

I also clearly felt that Yima Pingchuan's chest was a little choppy now, and it was far away from the choppy waves. Compared with the girl's chest, it was even less worth mentioning.

Obesity is a global epidemic, and young people who are still developing should not be obese. Young and vigorous, alienation far exceeds assimilation, and all the food that goes into the mouth is burned. However, the obesity rate of young people is getting higher and higher. In addition to self-comforting victims of the highly developed socialist material civilization, self-examination is even more necessary.

The weight gain in middle age seems to be excusable. In the second half of life, everything around is stable, and metabolism slows down. In addition to maintaining daily needs, the food eaten has redundancy, and fat has become the destination of these redundancy. .

Being blessed is not what you want, but your body is out of control. The views on weight loss are endless, and it is difficult to say right or wrong. It is important to understand that the prisoners in the Nazi camp are all skinny, and it is rare to see overweight people. After all, losing weight is a matter of will.

Although food is also lustful, gourmets have gone through hardships for a delicious meal. In the end, they are people of two worlds. They probably have a rough taste and can't taste good food. More importantly, they don't pay attention to deliciousness. Clean and simple is good. The greater the difficulty, the more processes the food requires. With this much time and effort, it should be delicious, and it is more important whether it is worth it.

They all pay attention to nutrition and balanced matching. It may be a commercial premise. More and more people die from overnutrition, so obesity has become an epidemic, so it is more important to pay attention to balanced matching.

I don’t know when I started to become a vegetarian (incompletely), but it’s not because of my health. I have doubts about the idea that a vegetarian diet is healthier. It may really be related to my personality.

Compared with a big meal, a small hunger is often better. After eating the sea, there is often a sense of guilt. Hunger is the norm in the evolution of human beings. Perhaps hunger can stimulate the potential of the human body, while a full and warm body is often lazy. lazy.

Getting fat, balding, belly fat and strong body odor, middle-aged men have become the hardest hit areas for aesthetics. If you don't care, you feel more comfortable in this way, but it is a positive life attitude. Since you can't stop getting fat, you might as well be a Ojisan (Obasan), who has a wide heart and a fat body, the aesthetic trend takes turns, and it is not certain that you will be on your body in ten years!


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秦歌旁觀者,想入非非,一半懷疑論,一半不可知論。 Twitter:fkanyone
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