English Phrases for Practical Life | 😱Butterfly in the Stomach

In spring and summer, butterflies all come out for activities 🦋💐 Xiaobian will introduce to you the English butterfly related to butterflies. Butterflies are so scary in the stomach 😱 It’s not because of eating butterflies 😂 Want to know? Come and see this 🙈

Butterflies come out for activities in spring and summer 🦋💐

The editor will introduce you to English related to butterflies

Butterflies are so scary in the stomach 😱

It's not because of eating butterflies 😂

Want to know? Come and see this 🙈

1) 🌻 butterfly effect 🦋

👉 Butterfly effect, chain reaction

📚Example sentences

A single spelling mistake can cause a butterfly effect worth millions — a lesson these companies and individuals learnt the hard way.

A single typo alone can cost millions of dollars in butterfly-effect damage -- a lesson these companies and individuals have learned from their own painful experiences.

2) 🌻 social butterfly 🦋

👉 People who love to socialize

📚Example sentences

Angelica used to be a social butterfly, but she seemed to have completely disappeared in the past few months.

Angelica used to be a social person, but she seems to have completely disappeared over the past few months.

​3) 🌻 (as) gaudy as a butterfly 🦋

👉 Refers to wearing all kinds of bright colors on the body without taste, which has a derogatory meaning

📚Example sentences

Samantha looked as gaudy as a butterfly in her new designer dress. I'm so sorry for her taste.

Samantha is wearing her new designer dress, colorful. I'm really sorry for her taste. 😅

4) 🌻 have butterflies (in one's stomach) 🦋

👉 Refers to the phenomenon of stomach cramps and gastrointestinal discomfort when excessive tension

📚Example sentences

I had butterflies in my stomach before the interview last week.

I was so nervous during the interview last week. 😣

​Is it a wonderful butterfly phrase and combination?

In addition to the beauty of butterflies, don't forget the English phrases related to butterflies

Keep them in mind this week, and come here every Monday to see them too! 👍

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