How to open an account with external gold? It is enough to pay attention to these points!


The gold investment market is divided into internal and external markets. The external gold trading is participated globally. There is no time limit for holding positions, and there is no limit on the rise and fall. You can enter and leave the market 24 hours a day. If you want to get more profit opportunities and hope that the trading rules will be more flexible, it is obviously more suitable to choose external gold. So, how to open an account and enter the market for external gold? It is enough to pay attention to the following points!

Choose the right external gold account

There are many types of trading accounts in the external gold market. The common ones are mini accounts, micro-spread accounts and standard accounts. These accounts have their own unique advantages: a mini account only needs $30 for the first deposit, and the minimum transaction capital per transaction is $10. ; The spread fee for 1 lot in micro-spread account transactions can be as low as $15, which is very cost-effective; while the standard account can trade large lots at one time, which is very convenient, and even has a certain rebate bonus. Choosing the right account for you can make making money easier.

Pay attention to the authenticity of account opening information

How to open an account with external gold? Select a high-reputation external gold trading platform, log in to the account opening page, and after selecting the account type, you can follow the prompts to fill in the account opening information. Under normal circumstances, the information to be filled in includes personal contact information, email address, name and bank card information. After filling in the information, submit the account application. If the information is true and correct, the platform will review it for about two hours, and the investor can get the account and password, that is, the account opening is successful. However, if the information is wrong, the review will not pass, and investors must repeat the above process.

After opening an account, you must activate the account before you can trade

Can we enter the market immediately after opening an external gold account? of course not! Investors also need to inject the first funds to start the account before they can operate. It should be noted that the funds for starting the account are the initial deposit, which exists as the principal of the account, not the handling fee. The start-up capital of each external gold trading account is different. For example, the initial start-up capital of the mini account is 30 US dollars, and the start-up capital of the micro-spread account is 500 US dollars. After opening the account, investors can freely invest in the trading software!

How to open an account with external gold? If you want to successfully open an external gold account that suits you, you need to do these steps: first, you must select the account type, and you must ensure the authenticity when filling in your personal information. After obtaining the account and password, investors must inject the first capital. , activate the account to enter the market.


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