zotero software introduction

A knowledge management software

About Zotero

Zotero is an open source, free software, based on which there are many third-party plugins and codes that make it extremely powerful.

Personal knowledge base + work data base

work, knowledge, originality

browser plugin

  • ZotFile automatic classification management, automatic renaming
  • MarkdownHere
  • Use Quicker to write combined actions to automate some operations.

onedriver cloud disk synchronization

Zotero Settings

Edit -> Preferences -> Sync -> File Sync -> Both options unchecked

ZotFile Settings

  • Tools -> ZotFile Preferences -> General Settings -> Source Folder for Attaching New Files -> Choose to put the document folder such as FYP/bio-printing/ref
  • Tools -> ZotFile Preferences -> General Settings -> Location of Files -> Custom Location -> Choose to Create a new folder under the OneDrive folder
  • Tools -> ZotFile Preferences -> Tablet Settings -> Location of Files on Tablet -> Base Folder -> Choose to Create a new folder under the OneDrive folder
  • Tools -> ZotFile Preferences -> Tablet Settings -> Location of Files on Tablet -> Subfolders -> No subfolders
After receiving the file dragged into it, if you use ZotFile's email send or move, an error will occur. The solution is to right-click the file to create a parent directory. This means that it is cumbersome to do this for each file. If the file has been determined, copy it directly to the cloud disk and then import the link uniformly.

Sync highlight

Reading and Annotation: Go to an external PDF reader (that is, the application that opens PDF by default) to annotate and make/extract annotation notes.

Use zotero-mdnotes to export literature notes to the set Obsidian library, and organize them in Obsidian.

After the built-in pdf annotation, you can save the file as an overlay.

zotfile can extract highlighted notes in pdf, how to change hidden options for formatting. Zplusless's blog

Edit-->Preferences-->Advanced-->Config Editor-->Search for "zotfile.pdfExtraction"

First click on extensions.zotfile.pdfExtraction.colorAnnotations and change the value to True

Then you can modify the highlight, note and underline parameters according to the forum configuration, or according to your own wishes, or refer to the settings of Zplusless's blog .

 extensions.zotfile.pdfExtraction.formatAnnotationHighlight => <p>"%(content)" (%(cite)) (%(label); p.%(page); %(color_category)/%(color); %(uri ))</p>
extensions.zotfile.pdfExtraction.formatAnnotationNote => <p><i>%(content) (<a href="%(uri)">note on p.%(page)</a>) (%(label); p.%(page); %(uri))</p><br>
extensions.zotfile.pdfExtraction.formatAnnotationUnderline => <p>"<u>%(content)</u>" (%(label); p.%(page); %(uri))</p>

After using the highlight function to distinguish the notes in the pdf, you can use the extract annotations function of the zotfile to get the .md notes differentiated by color.

Use zotero+obsidian to build management workflow

refer to

Zotero 6 Preview: All in Zotero

zotfile extraction note format settings in zotero

Enjoy an academic experience like never before with Zotero

Use of knowledge management software Zotero


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