Part B|One Year of Freedom|2020 Annual Overview


From March 1, 2020, I started a one-year freelance life, and I will return to office life for a short time in February (this story is a long story, but it is only about half a year, you can still collect I), this article mainly takes stock of what I have done this year.

Does freelance make more money?

Two of the most common questions I've had this year are:

"What kind of work are you doing now?"
"Do you earn more now than you used to have a regular job?"

Let’s answer the second question first, because I have given myself a lot of spare time this year, and I haven’t been able to fill up my work relatively well, so overall my income is bound to be “not as good as before”, but it’s not that I can’t survive. , and pay the rent to the landlord on time every month.

After overcoming the difficulty of finding a case at the beginning, the next thing I have to face is the irregular payment time and the arrangement of the work schedule. In the past, no matter how much money was spent when I went to work, the salary that was recorded on time on the 5th of each month was stable. However, after taking the case and facing different employers and funding schedules, we can understand that the predecessors of freelance work always emphasized the importance of "reserve funds". My own current practice is to take one or two jobs that will pay stably, at least to cover the rent and daily expenses. This type of work will probably occupy 30 to 50% of my working hours based on the salary.

In the past, I hardly kept accounts. I was worried that the goldfish brain would forget the time when various payments were made. I also started to use Notion as a table to record income (yes, I did not need to record the details of expenses XD). I used the month of entry as the classification basis. Expenses that will be allocated indefinitely will be placed at the end of the form; those who can confirm the payment schedule will be classified by month, so that you can clearly see the amount of income each month, and you can also see the income when the income is less. The month of the month pressed down the fingers that wanted to buy online rackets.

Since this is the first year of the case, the work schedule is indeed a headache for me. Even if I know that I need to properly disperse my work, it is hard to guarantee that there will be no work seven days a week, but it will probably stabilize after half a year of receiving the case. down. The schedule really can only be revised in a rolling manner depending on the personal situation, and occasionally you have to have the courage and determination to "give up this job".

Daily work of freelancers

As for what have I done this year? Thanks to "Weave Laughter and Weep Weeping", I have gained many job opportunities and various attempts. The main source of income is the manuscript fee, editing fee and the "stable income" I mentioned earlier, and the rest of the scattered income includes career assignment, hosting, speech fees, etc., and the editorial element table L folder is also made.

The main reason for leaving at that time was to return to the editing desk, so the target of accepting the case at the beginning was focused on outsourcing editing, and completed the editing of two books and the editing of two books before December 2020. In addition to the goals I set myself, my family, friends and fans have been helping me with expenses, such as hosting or podcast script writing, recording, and even online sharing courses. The real appearance to face everyone (also fulfilled the dream of a fan girl).

Since I decided to leave the company, I have given myself the goal of a year to take a break, try new things, and adjust my pace. Overall, my income this year is far less than when I worked full-time, but I also paid for it. With plenty of time and a leisurely pace of life, it doesn't seem like a big deal to earn less.

2020 Annual Results


Compilation: 2 completed (2 in progress)
Editing: 2 speeches: 4 (2 additional talks, 2 hosted)
Published: 5 articles

【Fan Special】

Recommended books: 41 (excluding #B 333 reading plan and relief plan)
Industry allocation: 4 items (2 charges, 2 product exchanges)
Growth by likes: 3127 people (8623→11750)
Naturally reaching over 10,000: 20 articles (the highest is 64744, the highest is the Okinawa Bookstore Ulala's post, followed by Mo Ziyi)

Finally, I would like to thank my friends and fans who have introduced or provided work to me this year. Please give me more advice in the new year!


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

編笑編哭。B編我是B編, 出版業打滾中的多重身分人,韓劇重度中毒,立志成為出版界的迷妹第一把交椅。 ▲合作請洽
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