Everyday - the day of the power outage

There is a sense of doomsday on the dark road. The end of the world may not happen in an instant. It should be gradually swallowing mankind from the darkness like now, right?

After nine o'clock in the morning, when I was working in the company, I saw the ceiling light flashing twice.

Director: It feels like there will be a power outage again, do you want to archive first...

Before the words were finished, with a snap, the world returned to peace.

power cut. .


Because there was a major power outage a while ago, I thought it would be restored after an hour or two of power outages like last time. Picking up the phone, I looked at the blackout messages on Facebook, and various conspiracy theories about the reason for the blackout, and then went to PTT to read the tweets of the villagers. It seems that the scale of this power outage is not small!

Since work is almost impossible without a computer, I have to do chores.

I vaguely heard a small voice from the elevator at the door, "Is anyone there?"

Omg! There is someone in the elevator!

Although the building administrator quickly turned on the backup power to rescue the trapped people, but listening to the whistles of the fire trucks outside, he probably knew that many people were trapped in the elevator! I heard from the business who just came to work that the traffic signs outside are now invalid, and the traffic at many intersections is knotted, which is very dangerous.

oh! Business has just walked nearly 20th floor to our office, out of breath.

Originally, we didn’t order bento for lunch today, it was a day when we went out for food, but after two hours, the electricity still didn’t recover, so we asked the business on the way back to help us buy bento, no one wanted to go down the stairs for lunch (and then eat I have to climb up again when I’m full).

Lunch - Crispy Tonkatsu Rice


I received a text message from my roommate Xiaofu. I thought it was very strange that I hadn't texted in hundreds of years, so I sent it back to him.

"You don't have internet"

"Yes, when the network is disconnected and the power is turned off, there is a feeling of being isolated from the world"

'so miserable'

"Are you going to buy a flashlight to go home?"

Xiaofu told me that his mobile phone network was intermittent, and then the food in the refrigerator was no longer cold. She was afraid that the milk would break and she drank all the milk in the big jug until she couldn't hold on.

In the evening, I bought dinner near the company first, because the power was restored at noon in the company's area, but there was no electricity in the place where we lived until the evening.

On the way home from work, I rode from a brightly lit place and began to see that half of the houses on the same street had electricity, and half of the houses had no electricity, and then I entered a place with almost nothing except the headlights of automobiles and motorcycles. There is a sense of doomsday in a bright area and a dark road. The end of the world may not happen in an instant. It should be gradually and gradually swallowing mankind from the darkness like it is now, right?

oops! I accidentally entered my own fantasy world!

In short, the traffic signs on the road are invalid. Fortunately, there are police officers to help direct the traffic at large intersections, but I dare not ride too fast along the way, and I will hear the sound of ambulances from time to time. When I get home, I have to be more careful when entering the alleys, because I am riding on the dark road, my night vision is not very good (a little flash), I am afraid of bumping into those who are fully clothed. black people.


After arriving home safely, I found that the elevator in the building had electricity. It should be the management room that turned on the generator to keep the elevator running.

As soon as I entered the house, there was still a power outage!

Xiaofu lit three scented candles, and we had candlelight dinner on this quiet night. Sounds super romantic! ?

Not at all (laughs)

Because of the limited brightness of the candles, I couldn't see what I was eating at all. The curry rice was completely black, and the meat-like thing turned out to be sweet potatoes when eaten. It was not romantic at all!

Dinner - Tang Yang Chicken Curry Rice

We ate and chatted about the funny thing about the power outage today. Then we talked about the war. We talked about what would happen if one of my father and younger brother had to be drafted to fight. She said that her younger brother and father would definitely fight with each other. Go, don't let the other party go, and then the younger brother may knock Dad unconscious and then go to serve himself. I said that my family's words must be that Dad went directly without saying a word, and there must be no objection, because he has always been the head of the family, Very responsible and very protective of our family. We also talked a lot about others. Usually, we often use our mobile phones to do our own things when we eat. Because of the power outage and the unstable Internet, in addition to concentrating on eating, we rarely have time to chat.


After we finished our meal, before the electricity came, Xiao Fu and I found out that the mobile phone signal in my room was relatively good. The two of them were lying on the bed and using their phones, almost not falling asleep.

I took out the headlight for mountaineering to temporarily replace the candle, and the brightness of the headlight was unexpectedly bright (the first time I bought it out of the box)!

But the call came at about nine o'clock, and suddenly it felt like returning to the civilized world! So I can now sit in front of my computer and type this article, probably the longest blackout I've ever experienced! Originally, I thought that if the electricity did not come, I would go to bed early, and people in ancient times were almost going to bed at this time.


I kept thinking of a Japanese movie - Survival Family (2017) during the power outage today

survival family

This movie is very good. It describes that Japan lost power overnight for unknown reasons. The protagonist Suzuki's family had to pack up and leave the ruined Tokyo to seek refuge with his grandmother living in Kagoshima. But how do civilized people who are used to living in cities adapt to the days without electricity? Can't even drive the car! They could only walk on foot and encountered many difficulties on the way to Kagoshima. They were hungry but did not know where to find food and water. They met a kind grandfather who asked them to help take care of the pigs and invited them to eat a long-lost meal. Food, eat a snot and a tear.

After reading this, I will really reflect on it. If I leave this world with sufficient water, electricity and food and clothing today, what survival skills do I have?

It really doesn't feel like it at all!

So be grateful for what you have now, and maybe learn how to survive in the wild or something. .


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