[Record] Designer by Chang Sansi

Compared to love, this is an architect's column

Of course, he still has a certain love element, and this element affects the future direction of the two main characters, as well as the balance they will push or stop when considering their next steps. This story gave me more feeling, like capturing a period of life of two professionals at a turning point, and showing it to me to read.

But this kind of content is quite dangerous for me. Whether it can make me understand that this occupation will affect my understanding of the characters in this story. The sentence of interlaced lines is a good example in this story. A lot of professional language and endless assignment details, if it is not a similar job or a reader with related experience (such as me), it will be a bit too "everyday". This kind of daily life includes all the details of the work, the difficulties of the work, the human feelings of the work, the ups and downs of the work, etc., and the whole composition from beginning to end is the day and night of a professional person.

And it was about when Qian Xinyi (?) and Chen Xi'an (?) were negotiating the first construction case, the power of the author's meticulous writing began to spread the daily pieces of these architects in my understanding. middle. He speaks in a way that is neither slow nor urgent, but because of its frequent occurrences, people know about its importance: for example, the value of steel bars, fire-resistant materials, glass strength, and so on. The reactions of the characters led me to understand how good or bad these values were, or how serious they were, along with their mood swings and indirectly helping me get over the mountain. Of course, I still have to honestly say that I don't know anything about the construction industry after reading the entire article, but in this way of writing, I have achieved the level of swallowing.

And this layer of more difficult content matches the author's unique sense of rhythm, and the two protagonists have very distinct personalities. They maintain their original intentions under the frosted stone of society. It's not that I insist on resisting the surging blood of small shrimps and big whales like the big consortium, but to maintain myself in the part that I can do, and sometimes even use a mask called grumpy and four or two thousand dollars. Gentle and refined. Of course, another feature of this article is the bitter atmosphere in the workplace... how should I put it, this article is very unsuitable for people who want to pursue a sense of refreshment. There are many coincidences, good and bad.

What impresses me more is the position of the market and the government. The government's strategy and building safety all affect the work of the people below, and the appearance of people who have stayed in these positions for a long time is another kind of freshness. sense.

As for the performance of the love part, it really suits the topic, and the romance of the engineer is probably like this. When two people fall in love, they are considered as those daily flavoring agents. There is no such thing as mixing oil with honey, but after thinking about each other step by step and thinking deeply, after talking to each other before taking action, or having a sincere conversation with each other, etc. Communication is undoubtedly a warm balance behind the dark sides of multiple buildings.

There is no meat, if you are a little curious about the construction industry, it is a very interesting story, but if you are pursuing a happy hand in hand to change the world, it is not.


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