Play three hours of guardian battle|The Space New Year Co-Creation

Please vote for Team B!

Everyone, after reading the article, remember to go to < 🐯 to vote for your favorite works! |The Space Year of the Tiger New Year Co-Creation🐯 "Leave a vote for Team B!

At 8 o'clock that night, I dare say I was one of the first 5 people who went in to create!

For the first hour, let me do my best~

With such a large canvas, the center position was a bit empty, so I started to create. That little tiger 🐯 and HKer Good were the patterns of my first painting. Although people would come and turn a color or two from time to time, I remember this time I wanted to "cooperate", so I didn't take it seriously. Maybe someone wanted to make it more colorful~

Notice the birthday cake in front of the purple cat? 🎂 I drew it for it to eat, but later it was turned into a fish bone~
Someone changed the colors of tiger eyes and whiskers, and I added four colors in the middle of the word Good to make it feel more unified.

In the second hour, the green framed sea struck and reached a consensus!

Since I didn't open discord, I didn't know that the green frame made such a big commotion. I just saw it at first and thought it was a great idea, but then I observed that it kept covering up other beautiful patterns, and it was It wasn't pretty, so I helped get rid of some of the green grids that were in "Revolution of the Times". Later, the green color was removed. It seems that many people, like me, think it is not good-looking, hehe 😄

The above is the famous green frame sea. Fortunately, everyone worked together to get it away. Careful friends should see that someone added TW in the HKer Good I wrote. It is very powerful. It can be created in such a small space, and I wish Taiwan by the way, so I will keep it.

At the beginning, there were pairs of antlers, so I helped to finish the deer head, and then my son asked me to draw a Tyrannosaurus 🦖, I didn’t know how to draw, and finally turned into a weirdo, but after a while, someone helped me to paint the finishing touch! Please see the picture below!

I don't know who repaired the Tyrannosaurus's shoulder, made it into a black shadow, and added an eye frame to let him look at the group of colorful grids on the upper right, and the whole artistic conception came out, "A black shadow yearns for a colorful world. ”, which is very suitable for the meaning of the new year, who is this super talented person? Find someone!

Use money to protect important information in the last hour to strengthen the sense of unity

Later, someone started to decorate with rainbow 🌈, I thought it was a good idea, so I changed my tiger 🐯 background into rainbow 🌈, and I responded to it; I saw that everyone liked the pattern of elves, so I made the tiger into a more cute appearance.

To restore HK, the revolution of the times is an important message, but some friends did not set the price for the grid at the beginning, which made it easy to change. I felt that it was necessary to show the value of this pattern with the price, so I changed the price quickly with the motorcycle rider. Later, there were two or three friends. Do the same thing as me, and I'm relieved to go. Later, I felt that the word "leather" was difficult to read, so I bought that grid to change it into the current shape~

The following 2019! was added by me. It was originally written as NO.1, but the pattern next to it was changed. This NO.1 became unclear, so I changed it to 2019!, the exclamation mark "!" is to say "Even in 2022, I will not forget what happened in 2019!"

In the last hour, I spent most of my time buying those "arts that have a pattern but didn't put a price on them, and feel very fragile". Maybe some friends don't want to be changed, or they didn't find that they could put a price on it. But if it doesn't settle down, there may be another green frame sea, so I keep buying, buying, buying, because the only thing I decide is "I will play to the end, I will not change other people's patterns at will, I want to finish A painting with a sense of unity", so I empowered myself to do this, haha!

Everyone, after reading the article, remember to go to < 🐯 to vote for your favorite works! |The Space Year of the Tiger New Year Co-Creation🐯 "Leave a vote for Team B! Voting closes Thursday at 12:00pm!


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I'm also at [ Square | Liker Social ]! 👧


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梘液總是落不中我的掌心錯過了也很美。 Liker Social | 方格子| 成為我的讚賞公民|
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