Crashing communication system

After finishing the call, I felt that some bug(s) in the design of these systems really made the frontline workers collapse. They already have enough objects that need urgent listing and explanation to be dealt with, but the communication system that needs to be relied on is still there. The unsatisfactory troubles in the back are really more distressing for these front-line soldiers.

After the accidental home quarantine was lifted, I followed the instructions of the health authority to go to the designated location to collect the public-funded quick screening that I will use in the future. One after another, some people left after receiving the quick-screening reagents, only to be assured that they could receive them normally.

After receiving the reagents, after returning to the house and putting things in place, I went out again while the sun was just right, planning to go to a less crowded place to have a look. After the vehicle was parked, it started to walk on the street, and it didn't take long to receive a call.

On the other end of the phone is the police officer of the police station in the jurisdiction where the house is located, reminding him that he has left the area where the electronic fence is located. Hearing this, the policeman may have thought that he was someone who understood the situation, so he quickly ended the call.

Under the scorching sun outdoors, I carefully kept a distance from other strangers. After walking for a long time, I thought I would take the initiative to contact the health authority to confirm the situation of the electronic fence, or I would keep receiving a "warning" from the police unit. "Looks very startling.

The call was quickly connected, and the staff on duty quickly understood the situation. It seems that many cases have encountered the same problem. So I politely ask myself not to worry, and explain that there should be some problems with the system recently, so it needs to be adjusted again. In this time and space when the sudden change of the epidemic has made the front-line personnel busy, in fact, I can't bear to be blamed at all. I can quickly comfort the other party and ask them to help adjust if it is convenient. The phone call was settled in a very smooth atmosphere.

After another hour or two of activity outdoors, the warning text message was sent to the phone again. When he was still thinking about what to do, the police station called again. The same policeman called again, this time he clearly informed the situation, and also said that he also took the initiative to inform the health unit of the situation, even the policeman was a little embarrassed now.

After finishing the call, I felt that some bug(s) in the design of these systems really made the frontline workers collapse. They already have enough objects that need urgent listing and explanation to be dealt with, but the communication system that needs to be relied on is still there. The unsatisfactory troubles in the back are really more distressing for these front-line soldiers.


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Jerome連續兩年寫作不間斷,可以稍微自稱是個「文字堆砌人」。曾於多領域任職與創業,帶隊完成金氏世界紀錄項目挑戰。現音樂產業 x 文化活動產業與夢想家共同追逐獨角獸中。
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2022 馬特市年度問卷 | 中斷了日更的一年,波動起伏的一年

