Still Life is a series of random and dull video creations like life.

Graphyni 沐子
Who is still?

"Some things, once you've loved them, become yours forever. And if you try to let them go, they only circle back and return to you. They become part of who you are. Or they destroy you." - Allen Ginsberg

Still life Still series

The still life series originates from the dialectics of the interaction between the self and all things. The characters in the images, as beings approaching stillness, realize the interaction between space, material, perception, emotion and people between movement and stillness. Through the synchronicity and objectivity of the long shot, the viewer can enter the work at the same time, and at the same time, a new interactive relationship between people and objects can be constructed in the viewing behavior, so that the "I" in the image can flow to the scene. The "I" of the movie.

(To watch the video, click directly on the title of the work.)

Still - The Nude | Video, 2022, 18'15''

"The Nude" is the starting point of the still life series, the almost static video content, the seemingly non-existent narrative, and the cat as a contrast, reminding the viewer of the existence of time. Using symbols such as nudes, mattresses, windows, etc. to match the spatial structure of the private realm, it refers to the originality and privacy of the subject, and through the contrast between the scene frame and the window frame, it expresses its starting point and the meaning of creation.

"The Nude" is the beginning of the "Still" series. The character in the film is almost still. The cat acts as a contrast, reminding audiences the existence of time. To express the originality and privacy via the subject with symbols such as nudes, mattresses, windows...etc. The contrast between frame and window enhances its meaning of pioneering.

Still - The Ice | Video, 2022, 15'53''

"The Ice" faithfully records the process of melting ice cubes in the palm of your hand, feels the touch brought by ice, and experiences the change of water type. The existence and dissolution of ice cubes are fixed conditions, and the palms of the hands sometimes retreat and sometimes embrace. Through the interactive performance of the hands and the ice cubes, the physical pain and emotional body language are intertwined in the picture.

"The Ice" records the process of melting ice cubes in the palm. To feel the hurt from the ice. And express the pain through the body language.

Still - The Desire | Video, 2022, 15'12''

The original intention of "The Desire" was to record the subtle facial expression changes in the process of watching pornography, and to outline sexual desire through external conditions. This creation records the emotional stacking of the subject, and records the process of releasing emotions after the pornographic film is broadcast under unexpected circumstances, thereby extending new creative meanings.

"The Desire" was to record the facial expression changes in the process of watching pornography. To record the lust of character.

Still - The Trace | Video, 2022, 15'07''

"The Trace" imprints marks on the body with a rope, and changes the body changes of the subject with a relatively clear external force. The physical and psychological connotations of rope binding are injected into the subject at the same time. With close-up shots, the breathing rhythm of the body is originally presented, and the flow of body and mind is written on the image.

"The Trace" records the traces which lefts on the body by the ropes. External force affects the body of character. The breathing rhythm of the body is recorded by the close-up shot. The changes of the body and mind are displayed on the film.

"When the World Said" Video Microfilm Exhibition

This film exhibition "When the World Said" selected four videos "The Nude", "The Desire", "The Ice" and "The Trace" from the still life series. Scoring, through the guidance and intervention of external things, outlines the deformation of body and mind. At the same time, it challenges the essence of narration with a still state that is almost like a flat image as the plot. This mini-exhibition uses the club function of the Akaswap platform as the performance space. Each work in this series is not numbered, but is displayed in the form of blocks, which is different from the physical exhibition, which has a fixed sequence established during the curation. , the online space can provide more randomness and interactivity for movie viewing, enabling dialogue between works and works, and forming montage-like clips during movie viewing.

Exhibition Information

Time: 2022.09.25 Address: Graphyni's Darkroom (click to enter the page)

*No tickets are required to visit the exhibition, just open akaSwap
*The works will be put on the Akaswap "Graphyni's Darkroom" Artist Support Association *This series will be cast on the Tezo chain


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