How I created and sold my first NFT with no experience: A beginner's lesson


In the NFT world, creating and selling unique digital assets is becoming increasingly popular and profitable. But what if you are not a designer or artist and have no experience dealing with blockchain and smart contracts? I'm going to share my experience of creating and selling my first NFT collection, even though I don't have any.

Inspired by the impressive "stable diffusion" of neural networks, I want to use it to create unique content and distribute it in NFT form.

The philosophy for creating the series came quickly and I decided to use the "Law of Attraction". When we think about something, we radiate a corresponding energy, attracting events and people with the same energy fluctuations. I used this principle when creating the "Magic World" series. I believe in the power of thought and will, so each item in the collection is imbued with the energy of positive thoughts and pure intentions. I want to help everyone attract what they really want into their life.

Creating a series was a tedious process, but I didn't give up. I sold my first NFT on Getgems and got my first sale within a month without any marketing or adding the series to the catalog. This was a huge surprise for me.

I requested that the series be added to the Getgems catalog and when it was added I had several sales. Now I have sold 8 NFTs and keep working hard.

What did I learn from this experience?

First, don't be afraid to try new things, even if you have no experience in them.

Second, creating an NFT collection is a tedious process that requires a lot of time and patience, but if you persevere and have a good idea, anything is possible.

Third, marketing is an important part of selling your NFT, so don't forget about it.

I wish you all the best on your NFT journey, and if you create your own series after reading this, please leave a link in the comments.

You can find my collection of Magic world NFTs on Opensea and Getgem .

You can find out more about my work on Telegram .


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