inverted human bone bowl

I wish I could say I foresaw this day, but I don't. In previous years, I had thought that the rest of my life would be dominated by the pain of boredom. I never thought that there would be such a day, when I was in a good mood, I would arrogantly feel that Beijing also belongs to me and I still have a future; at other times, I would become pessimistic, afraid that I would lose everything in an instant. I'm justifiably afraid.

P's diary

June X, 2017, Beijing

Today is my first day at NL. After a day of lectures on company rules and regulations with other newcomers, HR sent us to our respective departments. Then, the female supervisor E Chunfeng introduced me to the seniors in the department. E has not always been like this, but if she wants to, she can indeed make people feel warm and close, and I think that after 100 years of practice, I will definitely not have this kind of social and alliance-building skills. My forte, apart from my work, is cooperation, but it is by no means social. Considering that I am a young girl who has just entered the workplace, this shortcoming is particularly obvious, and I can see that the seniors have their own opinions on this. The newcomer who joined me in the same period also has a K. She is very kind and has a better school background than me.

Although the company's business is expanding, people with discernment can see that E wants me and K to form a competitive relationship to some extent, and even hinted that only one of her and I can stay.

Visually, in the three months of the probation period, the person who will deal with me the most will be my direct supervisor, Mr. H, a new mother who is still breastfeeding.

I like Zhongguancun where NL company is located. I want to stay. Don't know what K is thinking. She doesn't look like a girl with such a clear desire, although she is of the same age, I can't figure it out for the time being.

Moreover, 80% of the kind girls of the same age will not have such a tortuous past as me. My willpower is at least stronger than hers.


July X, 2017, Beijing

H taught me some basic things: the steps of applying for a graduate student in the United States. What I need to do is to communicate with students, give the location of the school, and provide writing or revision services for application documents such as personal statements. Colleagues from other departments are responsible for visa processing and online application forms.

The school selection agreement is a very important thing, we need to sign with the students after they have passed the TOEFL and GRE scores. Students always expect to apply to a better school, but they are also vulnerable and worried about failing, and we will apply to 10 schools for them, which is quite a large range, and reasonable requirements can be met, as long as there are stable schools.

H told me that schools in the Commonwealth of Nations, especially in the UK and Australia, place more emphasis on undergraduate grades and mainland undergraduate rankings, while American schools place more emphasis on TOEFL, GRE and students' ideas and experiences. The application of American Research Institute has the power to send hard-working students from bad schools to famous schools. This attracts me and many students.

Yes, they are customers after all, although called our students.

The weather was fine, although it was getting hot. I ride my bike to and from get off work every day and feel free. I wish I could say I foresaw this day, but I don't. In previous years, I had thought that the rest of my life would be dominated by the pain of boredom. I never thought that there would be such a day, when I was in a good mood, I would arrogantly feel that Beijing also belongs to me and I still have a future; at other times, I would become pessimistic, afraid that I would lose everything in an instant.

I'm justifiably afraid.

July XX, 2017, Beijing

I gradually became acquainted with colleagues in the same department, although I was still ignorant of colleagues outside the department. NL is a medium-to-large scale among overseas study institutions, with more than 1,600 employees in 9 branches across the country.

As for the department I am in, it is called the H group of American graduate students. The female supervisor E is the leader of the H group, and I am directly in charge, that is, the group leader of the newly-appointed Bao Ma Jiawen Shang H, and the group leader G of the Polytechnic H is under her leadership.

Group H has a total of more than 20 people, half of which are in science, technology, culture and business. I directly lead H is a 35-year-old woman with chubby small eyes, while G is a cheerful and sunny male senior, with some social cow attributes. What the two have in common is a lot of words, although the older H seems to be more sophisticated and understand other people than G.

Today, at the assessment site of a well-educated newcomer, G gave the newcomer's unfocused and lengthy professional sharing on the spot, and asked a series of questions: "If a student finds you, what he wants most is how to apply to a good school. information and targeted guidance, you only introduce the direction of the EE major, is this suitable? You have been preparing for two months, and you don’t even know which schools in the top 50 EE majors have opened? Also, look at the admission list Has it been passed? Will the material preparation list be explained?"

Outside of work, G is quite friendly, helpful, and likes to show his shrewd side. He heard that I lived in a youth space in Wudaokou that would hold events, so he memorized several bus routes from Wudaokou to Zhongguancun and suggested which buses I could take. At this time, my supervisor H took over and said, when the weather is good, you can also ride a shared bicycle, classmate panda.

The weather has been amazing recently, and H's suggestion is good.


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