Dream at the End of the World ┃ Norway - North Cape

The familiar language is close to my ears at the moment, but because of the huge difference in the magnetic field, I never said a word to them.

In June 2019, before heading to the end of the world - the North Cape of Norway, I had a dream.

The content of the dream is very vague, only the pictures are colorful, and there is no sound dialogue.

After getting up, I found myself in the house of Asuna, the owner of the sofa, and vaguely remembered the absurdity of the night before.

Asuna is a rare aboriginal in northern Europe - the Sami people. She loves animals and is a vegetarian. She is also engaged in animal protection and rescue work. She has two dogs and six cats at home, and two friends go on a trip, temporarily entrusting her to take care of the dog , very lively.

That night, with Asuna's friends, we used the mobile app to play Norwegian truth or dare. The app is full of fishy and tainted topics. If you have experienced it, you have to drink and say yes, and if the answer is No, you don't need to act.

After being interrogated with questions like "Have you ever watched porn movies and been found by your family?", and all kinds of embarrassment after drinking alcohol, I also tried something more intense - the snuff given to me by Asuna's friend. The use of snus is to put a thick piece of paper about the size of a dollar coin and wrapped with tobacco into the gap between the front teeth and the lips. I didn't feel anything special at first, but then as the alcohol evaporated into my body, my world began to spin.

After a long half hour like waiting to be discharged from the army, I tried to sit up and went out with them to the bar to renew the stall, even though I couldn't drink another drop of wine. Unexpectedly, the horror of smoking 8 cigarettes at a time is not only legal in Europe but also common in Norway, even more than the number of people who smoke cigarettes. Although there was no fragmentation, the memory was mostly focused on the discomfort of the body until bedtime at three o'clock in the morning.

The puppy that sleeps with me at Asuna's house

I shook my head, returned to the present moment, and got up to wash. I cooked the noodles and ate them. When I was about to go out, I saw that the rain was getting heavy outside the window. Not long ago, I had eaten a few times in the rain, so I decided to continue to sit on the sofa and wait for the rain to stop. Asuna, who slept late, came out of the room and found me still there, giving me a chance to say goodbye to her.

Packing my bags, I left the eaves that sheltered the wind and rain. In the drizzle, I walked 3 kilometers to a suitable pickup point in the town. There were few cars passing by, and I was ready for a long-term battle.

An hour later, a car stopped. It is an old woman who is not fluent in English, and she lives in a town near North Point, which allows me to travel more than 200 kilometers in one breath. I am lucky.

The car made strange noises from time to time. After several times, it was found that it was because the wipers did not move smoothly and hit the glass. Every time the wipers hit, the old woman smiled helplessly. Finally, she said it was time for her to change the wipers.

We stopped once on the way to the store next to the gas station and bought Expresso coffee. When the cold wind blows outside, you can learn to appreciate the happiness of drinking hot coffee in a warm car.

Along the way with few dialogues, I seriously appreciate the unbelievably beautiful scenery in front of me. The canyon and the sea are connected into one piece, and there are beams of light above, and they dance with the cold wind changing their postures. Maybe now I'm really dreaming.

And this dream of traveling around the world, I have been doing it for almost a year.

Traveling around the world is like an endless dream

Before entering the island in the North Point, we entered the undersea tunnel, and the car drove all the way down until it passed the sea level, and then slowly rose to the ground. In those few short minutes, maybe I was like a mysterious girl. , has said goodbye to the past.

Three and a half hours later, snow was blowing outside the window, and the old woman was about to turn left to go home, and my way was still ahead. The road sign says that there are still 19 kilometers from North Point, and it should be within walking distance.

But it was really cold outside. After a few steps, the guitar and backpack started to get wet with snow. Seeing the embarrassment I was getting into, I couldn't help laughing in the snow.

What an adventure.

Just as I was looking at the distance without any oncoming cars, I thought that I was about to become a hero and die at this moment. Ten minutes later, I raised my thumb and recruited the only oncoming car. In the car was an Austrian couple traveling in a campervan. So I came to North Point very smoothly.

It's never easy to predict how long it will take to hitch a ride and reach your destination. But more difficult to predict is the smoothness or hardship that will be experienced along the way.

In the snowstorm, I didn't have the chance to witness the wonders of the sunset, I only envied tourists eating delicious food in the North Point Pavilion, bought, wrote and sent postcards, watched the promotional video of North Point, and then met by chance at the observation deck outside. The Taiwanese tour group stared wide-eyed.

Encounter with the most familiar yet unfamiliar Taiwan tour group

When I saw them at the North Point Observatory, they took out the Taiwan flag and took a group photo excitedly. The idea of taking out a guitar and setting up a booth flashed in my mind, but I realized that this was just me, and I wanted to attract attention and earn travel expenses. The familiar language is close to my ears at the moment, but because of the huge difference in the magnetic field, I never said a word to them.

Half an hour later, watching the Taiwanese tour guide lead the group to leave, I imagined that they spent a lot of money, took the car for a whole day, and came here specially, but in a few days, they have to return to Taiwan and return to their hurried daily life. looks like my journey of poverty. Well, we just get what we each want.

The time came to one o'clock in the middle of the night, and it was certain that there was no chance to see the sun. Most of the people had already embarked on their return journey, and the North Point Pavilion had also come to the closing time.

Where are you going to sleep today?

The way back is endless

I walked back from the North Point Pavilion for half an hour. Although it was much warmer without snow, it was still too cold to stop easily. The mobile phone showed that it was one o'clock in the middle of the night, and there should be no cars to go back.

But just after I walked for another 15 minutes or so, a couple from Hong Kong pulled up. They said that Taiwan is really good, and they are envious of being able to vote for themselves. They said that if I publish a book in the future, I remember to write this matter in the book.

Then they took me to a village 30 kilometers away from North Point, where I could pitch a tent on a nearby hill so that I could pick up other people's rides tomorrow. I quickly set up the account and got into my sleeping bag, and fell asleep at three o'clock in the bright midnight.

The coldness of the wind at this moment is reflecting the reality of this dream.


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直樹的流浪之歌一名喜歡戲劇與跑步的日文翻譯, 一名熱愛旅行與書寫的街頭藝人。 民謠|書寫|行旅|全馬|劇場 Matters文章索引: https://nice-crayfish-628.notion.site/d848efa3d05d45b5ba89ebbaee03a020
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