The Mid-Autumn Festival is full of moon and people are also round (Part 1)

Recording the food photos of the 2022 Mid-Autumn Festival homecoming

This Mid-Autumn Festival this year, I took my child south by myself. Even if I took a half-day leave for my child, the high-speed train really crowded as expected. In order to prevent the free seat from being crowded, I decided to buy a half-ticket for the child under the age of five. Passengers who get on the bus one after another can feel at ease when they are looking for vacancies, and after getting on the bus, it also proves that my judgment is correct. At this time when the epidemic has been raging for three years, it is impossible to stop the return of people returning home for the festival. , as soon as I got on the train, I found that the free-seat compartment was 90% full, and many of the free-seat passengers who got on the train in Hsinchu had no seats and could only stand!

I was really tired these two days. I was working all over the place. Fortunately, I have an endless supply of delicious food that can comfort the temples of the five internal organs.

chicken leg rice

kombu pot

Iced Lemon Tea

Mung Bean Soup and Pear

Next is my favorite food "kidney". As long as I go back to my hometown of Kaohsiung, my mother will buy the waist and wait for me in advance. Thank you very much. The child who has mother's pain is really happy ❤️

Kidney Wonton Noodles

(to be continued)


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