[Drama] The overall impression of the Order of Mountains and Rivers

The aftertaste of watching Shan He Ling is that it takes a while to get out of the drama after climbing the mountain

It's been a long time since I've followed dramas so much that I want to write my thoughts,

Recently, a friend recommended me to watch <Mountain and River Order>,

A costume drama adapted from the novel "The End of the World",

Unexpectedly, after watching it, I can't extricate myself 😂

After Shanhe Order was brushed, I went to finish the novel

The drama and the novel basically only take a few key elements but the content is very different,

But the plot of the play is more warm and humane,

It doesn't affect the viewing of the movie or the sense of identity with the novel. It is a drama that takes a little time to get out of the mountain😊

On the whole, he is actually a story of a confidant (euphemism) under the cover of a brother-in-law relationship (the two have no relationship between a teacher and a brother in the original book)

The encounter between the skylight window flower (?) and the ghost valley master, two people with different backgrounds,

And walk through the grievances and grievances caused by Liulijia as the introduction together

I am personally very amazed by the meticulous appearance of the characters in the clothes of the whole drama,

And the temperament of the actors selected is very suitable,

Why on earth did you discover the beauty hidden beneath a tough guy like Zhang Zhehan?

Zhou Zishu (Actor: Zhang Zhehan)

Who~~ inspired you? (laughs)

(The photo is of the wife who made my heart break and tilted her head to kill)

Gong Jun was originally a young face, clean and gentle,

Acting as the master of Merry Ghost Valley, the temperament is quite in place

Wen Kexing (Actor: Gong Jun)

The shape of the fairy under the moon is quite amazing

(It's the appearance of the exiled fairy this month that made me decide to watch it, that appearance and that evil eyes are completely interpreted in place 💖)

In addition, other roles are actually quite suitable,

Including the beautiful and pungent little maid Ah Xiang (actor: Zhou Ye)

Beautiful Pepper Ah Xiang

She is the character that makes me sad the most😢

Both the original book and the drama make me sad,

I also skip the ending of her in the second TV series...

Then there is the cute and hapless apprentice Zhang Chengling (actor: Sun Xilun)

Super cute little apprentice Cheng Ling

It is said on the Internet that Cheng Ling is the person who helped censor gadgets 😂

But the original book actually has him and he runs through the whole story from the very beginning,

is a very important role,

And his family of three(?) is complete😆

The whole drama was filmed at a low cost,

However, they are quite sincere in the portrayal of characters/shooting scenes/props and clothing,

Although I personally think some pictures are a bit fake (example: Peach Blossom Forest)

But there are many fighting scenes, running in the woods, running on the roof, gorgeous fighting moves,

As far as martial arts movies are concerned, it is quite in place,

Especially the fighting process should be like a gorgeous dance,

Brilliant and loud,

With an atmospheric soundtrack,

It is very enjoyable to watch!

The actor's acting skills are nothing to say,

Basically all of them have a professional background and have received actor training,

Watching some sideshow videos on the Internet, the original sound without dubbing is also very tasty,

And they are all handsome (focus on drawing three lines)

Gong Jun with a height of 186 centimeters and Zhang Zhehan with a height of 181 centimeters,

He forced Zhang Zhehan, who was tall among the crowd, to act like a little bird 😂

The moonlight tonight is very beautiful~~~

(Neither my husband nor I would rely on this) (Do you believe that I am a confidant😈)

I pondered why Dangai dramas are so addictive,

I want to put aside sex and love,

That kind of complete mutual acquaintance, mutual support, mutual understanding and tolerance is hard to come across in life,

Especially what Zhou Zishu said when he was rescued by Wen Kexing after he was taken away,

"I don't know when or how you will come, but I know you will come!"

To what extent does this sense of trust have to be achieved? 😭

My husband didn't even come when I was lying on the operating table (rolling eyes) (Family affairs go crazy)

So I think what makes people yearn for is the feeling of one confidant and lover,

Moreover, the personalities of the actors and the characters in the play are actually very different.

The contrast is cute, and both of them are generous and open to ridicule and discussion, and they will not hide it,

When actors like their work, the audience will also feel their sincerity and love for the work,

Definitely love this show more

I think after the second brush, I should think about writing an article about the main characters,

I love their acting in the show!!😘


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[戲劇] 山河令:世人皆負我,舉世皆可殺—溫客行

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