sworn brothers and sisters (1)

It has been twenty years since I looked back on the past of youth.

In college, apart from chasing one or two girls, one of the most meaningful things was that I became brothers and sisters with five classmates in the same class .

This is a long story, and I have to start with the first female doll I started chasing in college . When I first entered university, everything in university was very new to me. We are a four-person dormitory, and when it's dead at night, the roommates who are a year older than me start to talk nonsense about their romantic history and often talk about the girls in the class .

Hey, it was really "tortured" for me, who had a relatively late enlightenment in that respect and had never formally talked about a relationship in junior high and high school . I hope I can have a girlfriend at some point. I didn't expect the opportunity to come so soon.

I remember the second day of the military training, our class took a group photo. After getting the photos, the roommates began to look for the girl they liked. One said that this girl was good, and the other said that that girl was good. I also took a closer look at the photo, and saw a girl with a melon-faced face, tilting her head playfully, squinting her eyes and laughing all the time, her eyes lit up instantly, she felt so cute, let alone her .


So on the last day of military training, I confessed to her . I remember that day, I made an excuse to drag her to the back of the line. We sat on the floor and I whispered "I like you" to her. Now that I think about it, it's really embarrassing, haha. The girl may feel that it is too sudden, she is blinded in an instant, and she lowers her head all of a sudden.

Seeing such a situation, I couldn't help but feel a little flustered, but fortunately, I immediately calmed down and told her my feelings for her these days after school started. Maybe my sincerity touched her. The girl slowly raised her head and said to me that it's only half a month since the start of school, and you said that you like me, and the time is too short . Well, I remember my answer was "love at first sight" .

Then the girl said again that she has a lot of small problems, will she not like her. Eh, "Aiwu Jiwu, I like you, and I will definitely like everything about you." I feel like this is the most disgusting sentence I have ever said in my life . Since we still needed military training, we didn't talk much. I asked her for a phone number and went back to the team together.

Eh, now that I think about it, I feel a little bit of a tiger, and I act when I say action. I didn't do any preparation work at all, haha, who was young at that time . Let's stop here this time, predict what will happen in the future, and listen to the next time, the next time will be more exciting.


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