Health food: fish oil

What is fish oil, its role, suitable for ethnic groups, usage for different patients

What is fish oil?

Fish oil is the oil from fish. 🐟🐟

Human intake is mainly to supplement the omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil, which are mainly divided into two types

EPA (20-carbon 5-enoic acid) and DHA (22-carbon 6-enoic acid) are nutrients that reduce inflammation. 🧑🏻‍🔬

Source: Fish itself does not produce omega-3 fatty acids, omega-3 fatty acids are obtained by ingesting algae by fish. The average person can get omega-3 fatty acids by eating fish (for example: salmon, mackerel, herring, cod, etc... Many fish have it, of course, algae or health food can also be directly ingested), but try to avoid eating organisms at the top of the food chain and avoid ingestion Too much toxic substances (biomagnification) 🙅🏻

The process of human synthesis

Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)➡️EPA➡️DHA

The efficiency of synthesis is much lower than that of direct intake, so synthesis alone is not enough to meet daily needs and must be supplemented in moderation. 🙅🏻

##The following statements do not contain curative effects, only improve physical fitness, all for reference only‼ ️

If necessary, please consult a professional doctor or pharmacist in person

General purpose of edible fish oil

Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil are unsaturated fatty acids and can only be supplemented by dietary intake. The American Heart Association recommends that the optimal intake ratio of omega3 and omega-6 fatty acids is 1:1. However, most people have very high w-6 (especially those who eat outside), causing a great burden on the body (thrombosis, chronic inflammation) , arthritis, cancer, etc…) 🏥

Commonly used in these situations, high triglycerides, cardiovascular health care (thrombosis, atherosclerosis, etc.), chronic inflammatory diseases (diabetes, obesity, asthma, cancer, etc.), mental diseases, neurodegenerative diseases… Wait. (Emphasis again: all of the above must be consulted with professional physicians and pharmacists)

Fish oil has a wide range of uses, but the extraction method, the raw materials used, and the concentration have a profound impact on the health and safety of users. We should supplement the correct fish oil to promote health. 🙆

selection guide

Concentration Recommendations

It is generally recommended that omega-3 fatty acids greater than 50% are good fish oils (DHA+EPA>50%)

The best suggestion is more than 80% 🧜‍♂️🧜‍♂️

Calculated by: Omega-3 Fatty Acids/Total Fish Oil

Taking too low a concentration of fish oil can increase the risk of triglycerides.

Extraction method

Organic solvent extraction: doubts about residual organic solvents, and the inability to separate heavy metals, but because the extraction cost is relatively low, it will directly reflect the cost of raw materials (rarely used)❗️

Extraction by molecular distillation: It is necessary to use large-scale precision instruments to extract fish oil by distillation, and at the same time, it can also separate harmful heavy metals and poisons. The finished product is relatively safe, but the relative raw material cost will be much higher.

Supercritical extraction technology: Using the new technology of carbon dioxide extraction, the extraction concentration and residues have excellent performance, which requires more cost 💰. Principle: In an environment above the critical temperature and pressure, the required components are extracted with supercritical fluid (usually carbon dioxide), and then the pressure and temperature are reduced to separate out carbon dioxide and leave the required components. ✏️

fish oil form

The omega-3 fatty acid structure of fish oil can be divided into esterified type (Ethyl Ester Form, referred to as EE Form) and triglyceride type (TG Form).

EE Form fish oil needs to be decomposed by intestinal lipolytic enzymes before it can be absorbed, so TG Form fish oil will be absorbed faster, but EE Form fish oil can have the advantages of slow and prolonged absorption and high stability, so no one is good or bad. In the end, the body The total amount of DHA and EPA absorbed in the system was not significantly different. Therefore, I personally think that the concentration is the most important type, which is to choose according to the different needs of each person, in fact, it can be.

Recommended intake

World Health Organization (WHO): 300mg to 500mg of omega-3 fatty acids per day

American Heart Association: 650mg to 1000mg of omega-3 fatty acids

Taiwan FDA: 2g/day

It is better to take after meals and should be taken 1-2 hours apart from medicines and calcium tablets.

not recommended groups

People with coagulation insufficiency: The EPA in fish oil can affect the coagulation function, making the blood less likely to clot, which may cause bleeding problems.

Those with unhealed large wounds: such as surgery, severe wounds, etc., the use of fish oil should be stopped due to the need to reduce bleeding due to wounds.

Fish Allergy: The Problem With Allergic Reactions

Third trimester: should consult a physician and pharmacist for evaluation

Note: If pregnant mothers are worried, they can eat fish oil with very low EPA content, or eat algae oil directly!

Users of anticoagulant drugs: please consult your doctor and pharmacist for the substances of Baoshuantong, aspirin and other anticoagulant ingredients.

Common mistakes added

Fish oil is not cod liver oil Thank you! 🙇


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