[Tasting record] Hualien freshly sent the freshly sun-dried Q bomb noodles to the Hualien City Farmers Association Red Quinoa Mixed Noodles

Thanks to the Farmers Association for making delicious food and this one is quick to cook. I like this product very much. I don't usually eat spicy food, but the taste and amount of the sauce are just right. There are three packets in total. I feel very happy to eat it.

Thanks for the opportunity to try it, and thanks to the peasant association for making delicious food, which can be cooked very quickly.

Hualien freshly sent Hualien City Farmers' Association Red Quinoa Mixed Noodles with freshly sun-dried Q bomb noodles @ 食力foodNEXT‧Factual knowledge channel

I like this product very much. I don't usually eat spicy food, but the taste and amount of the sauce are just right. There are three packets in total. I feel very happy to eat it.

Hualien City Farmers Association Red Quinoa Mixed Noodles - The front photo and layout are not bad, the photo is very appetizing (but I am confused here
Hualien City Farmers Association Red Quinoa Mixed Noodles - The cooking method is illustrated in Chinese and English, and it is no problem to give it to foreigners!
Hualien City Farmers' Association Red Quinoa Mixed Noodles - with instructions in both Chinese and English, it is no problem to give to foreigners!

First of all, start with the box packaging. The outer packaging design is beautiful and clear, and there are design icons and text instructions on how to cook (in Chinese and English).

Hualien City Farmers Association Red Quinoa Mixed Noodles - This kind of sauce package and noodles are packaged separately is really thoughtful.

There are 3 packets in this box. The noodles themselves have a special fragrance when they are opened. The noodles and the sauce are packaged separately and are transparent and clean. I love it, it feels so clean when I use it.

Cook according to the instructions on the package, quickly boil the water, put the noodles and wait for 5 to 6 minutes, pick up and drain, add the attached sauce package to complete, the dish can be completed very quickly.

If there is a quick-cooking pot, the water can also be boiled first with the quick-cooking pot first, and the water after cooking the noodles can be used to make soup without wasting.

Hualien City Farmers Association Red Quinoa Mixed Noodles - Delicious pepper and hemp flavor sauce, and minced meat

The boiled noodles look good. Because of the color of the red li and the slightly curly shape, I think that it can be served in a good-looking state with ordinary cooking.

The sauce is very fragrant, and the spiciness is good. I am very happy to eat it for people who don’t like spicy food, so I think it is not very spicy for ordinary people, and it is not the type that will numb the tongue, but it is fragrant enough. Enough flavor, there is minced meat in the sauce, delicious!


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心事欲言卡 開箱紀錄 2022.03.09

