China has officially entered the era when Xi Jinping dominates the world


Today (October 23) will be a very important day in Chinese history. The list of the Standing Committee of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has been finalized, and Xi Jinping has once again become the supreme leader of the Communist Party of China without any suspense. Since then, the mileage of "Xi Tianxia" has begun.

Xi Jinping becomes China's top leader for the third time

The world's public opinion has been focusing on the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and "Zhongnanhai Bed Ting Master" has done its best to bring out the details of the power struggle film. Unofficial history, but the reality is indeed cruel. Today's General Secretary Xi is no longer the Xi Jinping of ten years ago.

At the closing meeting, the video of Hu Jintao, the former chairman of the Communist Party of China and the chairman of the Central Military Commission, suspected of being taken away from the venue went viral, which almost became the only focus of public opinion at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Opened all over the world, it not only serves as a warning to any dissenters, but also completely shatters the last remaining illusions in people's minds.

It can be seen from the online video that Hu Jintao was forced to leave. The two people who took him away were not medical workers on the scene. , another bodyguard who looks like Xi Jinping. From Hu Jintao's anxious face, his reluctance to try to prevent him from being taken away, his brief conversation with Xi Jinping, and his pat on Li Keqiang's shoulder, it is enough to show that Hu Jintao no longer has the right to speak.

With Jiang Zemin absent from the 20th National Congress and Hu Jintao being dragged out of the meeting before the final vote, Xi Jinping declared to the world his absolute victory, and the faction of the leaders of the previous two terms no longer exerted any restraint on his long-term rule.

Hu Jintao was the leader appointed by Deng Xiaoping, but he was completely controlled by Jiang Zemin's forces during his reign, and his decrees could hardly go out of Zhongnanhai. His last-ditch effort was to send Xi's rival Bo Xilai to prison, and choose to retire naked to prevent Jiang Zemin from continuing the old man's government. As soon as Xi Jinping came to power, he took full control of the supreme power of the CCP. Hu Jintao should be regarded as Xi Jinping's great benefactor, but he was also the founder of the great dictatorship.

When Hu Jintao formally handed over power to Xi Jinping, people thought that Xi Jinping's father, Xi Zhongxun, was a pragmatic figure at the top of the CCP, and that Xi Jinping himself was deeply harmed by the extreme left movement of the Cultural Revolution. route. What no one expected was that Xi Jinping not only had no ability to govern the country, but also had no ink on his mind, but he was good at fighting for power and wanted to be a lifelong overlord, a dictator who surpassed Mao Zedong.

The superiority of a democratic society does not depend on the greatness of the leader, but the democratic mechanism effectively restricts the leader's power. If a person's power is too great, he will naturally dream of an emperor.

The CCP's power struggle is always a life-and-death struggle, and the so-called governance strategy depends entirely on the outcome of the power struggle. In the history of the CCP, the so-called constitution and party constitution are nothing. Struggle is a contest between powers, a restriction of power, and a basic rule for survival or elimination.

When the world has long been on the road of a modern democratic society, China is still lingering in Darwin's theory of evolution, "natural selection, survival of the fittest." It is still a true portrayal of the CCP authorities.

Xi Jinping was moved by Hu Jintao's naked retreat, but now he should have no time to regret it. People only sigh that Xi Jinping is fighting tigers and flies resolutely, but he cannot prevent the CCP regime from turning into Xi's army. Today's political environment in China is already a paradise for Xi Jinping to become a lifelong overlord and absolute dictator. The vote at the closing ceremony of the 20th Congress speaks for itself, with zero abstentions and zero objections.

Everyone understands that the CCP is a totalitarian system, and Xi Jinping will become the second dictator after Mao Zedong. There is no force that can stop Xi Jinping's ambitions.

The future of China is quite scary: China's clearing movement will continue, just to prove Xi Jinping's theory is correct; Xi Jinping's portrait will appear in all schools and enterprises, which is necessary to create gods; Private companies pursue a planned economy to control domestic economic decline; strengthen military alliances with Russia to resist Western encirclement and suppression; military attack on Taiwan is no longer an option, but only a matter of time.

October 23, 2022


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