About 【Whampoa Anthology】


Since logging in to Matters, the series of " Huangpu Anthology " has been published one after another. So far, 112 articles with more than 250,000 words have been published. Originally, I wanted to organize and publish this series of articles for two reasons:

  1. As a descendant of Huangpu, the author believes that he has the obligation and responsibility to spread the deeds of the sages and martyrs forever.
  2. Through various actual war experience talks, restoring history and events, not allowing veterans to "pass away a second time" in inaccurate memories and false propaganda is one of the things I care most about.

Who is the main force of the war? What is the historical truth? Nowadays, with the development of network information and the decryption of more data files, the context of facts and events is becoming clearer and more detailed. Any regime, party's false propaganda and whitewashing will eventually be slapped and spurned by history!

As a bystander in later generations, the author believes that it is my responsibility to understand this history, and at the same time, present the real thing to everyone as much as possible. It might work, it might not, but it doesn't matter.

There are several sources for these articles:

  1. Articles published in official journals of mainland China.
  2. Articles in the Official Journal of the Republic of China.
  3. Memoirs of war veterans I interviewed.
  4. Manuscripts of those who witnessed the war.


With the advancement and publication of data collection, the author sees that there are still many precious historical materials that have been lost to the people. With the passage of time, they will soon be on the verge of being lost, which is also the most worrying thing. But the author will still stick to the original idea, and do it little by little, step by step, until I can't do anything about it.

At the same time, the author also calls on friends around the world who hold similar historical materials of the Anti-Japanese War to actively provide clues. I would like to organize and publish as much as possible, and regard this as a little career in the second half of my life.

During the eight years of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the nation was devastated, and the soldiers and civilians were killed and wounded. No matter the national army or the communist army, all those who sincerely resist the Japanese are role models for future generations and should be respected. It has nothing to do with doctrine, the whole, or party disputes, and every member of the whole nation is worthy of respect and commemoration.


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