Gradually don't speak Taiwanese?

Review while listening to songs

People in modern times speak less and less Taiwanese. In the workplace, the emphasis is on second and third foreign languages, and language is a thing that will not degenerate if you speak more. Although I can understand most of them, I have become really broken Taiwanese🤣

Today's children can learn English from an early age, but local languages such as Taiwanese and Hakka may not be given the same attention. I have several friends who are 100% Hakka and don't speak Hakka very well.

One day I saw an exclusive interview with Lin Changzuo of The Shining Band and found that his Taiwanese was very authentic and his English was also very smooth. Those who break the stereotype that people who are very Taiwanese (?) may not be able to speak English. In fact, these two languages can be taken into consideration. Yes, it makes me feel like I have to learn new sounds without forgetting my own language.

Recently, I found that some Taiwanese pop songs are very good, such as the songs of Meixiu Group, Eggplant Egg and Xiao Huangqi, I will add them to the song list and listen and learn (?, it would be better if I can talk to other people in Taiwanese often 😄

Finally, share the life of Meixiu Group 🎵


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不務正業的喵|認真交朋友認真生存專心做能賺錢的事和能幫助別人的事 持續當有能力且善良的人 喵ㄟ人生理念💗 2022.1.8
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