The 560th day of the Perth diary, I have been in Australia for a year and a half, how do I survive

It has been a year and a half since it landed in Australia on 2.4 in 2022. Let’s talk about my different way of life from others in the past year and a half.

When I landed in Australia, I thought I was one of the poorest people. I had no house or car in China, and my savings were barely enough for a down payment in a second-tier city. We decided to use it all for my wife’s second postgraduate tuition , It is indeed only enough for tuition.

There are many reasons for choosing Western Australia. First of all, there are relatively few Chinese here, and the prices in places with a large number of Chinese are quite high. I don’t particularly like the traditional Chinese cultural environment, so I avoided Sydney and Melbourne when choosing a school.

When I came to Australia, I was surprised to find that the minimum hourly wage in Australia is the highest in the world. It has only been a year and a half since I came to Australia. The hourly wage in Australia has also increased from $19 to $21 and then to $23 in 2023. Although it still cannot keep up The speed of global inflation can be regarded as a kind of psychological comfort.

Western Australia has the highest average hourly wage in Australia because of its rich mineral resources. Of course, if you work in a Chinese company, it depends entirely on your luck. There are also jobs that do not pay taxes or do not meet the minimum hourly wage. Yes, when you are away from home, it is the most painful reality for Chinese to cheat Chinese.

In the one and a half years since I came to Australia, I have only done three kinds of jobs in the local area, teaching diving, teaching swimming, and being a support worker. The first two jobs are completely dominated by my interests, so I am completely free to recruit students. I always welcome friends who follow my official account, video sharing on youtube channel, and who approach me because I appreciate my views and want to learn skills from me. However, some friends who obviously have very different views , I am not particularly interested in getting close to each other. In addition, the two kinds of water teaching I am engaged in are also closely related to temperature. In addition, the Chinese in Perth, Western Australia are not the same as the big Chinese cities in the east, so teaching income is very limited.

The more stable income in the local area comes from support workers. In fact, if you don’t choose jobs, such as housekeeping and gardening jobs, it is relatively easy to find. I have been working with an 80-year-old lady Carmel in the first year after I landed. Tidying up her farm and all the aged care she needs me to do, the hourly salary is 36 knives, and I work about 10 hours a week, which can be regarded as helping me solve my accommodation expenses, and the letter of recommendation from Carmel has also helped me to rent the whole thing until now Although the entire rental cost of the house has increased, it will not be completely dependent on others. It is the living environment that I need more in pursuit of spiritual freedom now.

In the process of getting along with Carmel for a year, we got to know each other well enough, and I also discovered many root causes of Carmel’s lonely life in his old age. We have great differences in some views, especially our views on new immigrants, so Gradually, we didn’t have too much spiritual communication, and more of it was my physical work. I don’t mind physical work, but it’s not what I want most, so I gradually looked for other more On the support work of autism and hope to obtain lifestyle changes through fitness exercises, this is also the type of work that can best maximize the value of my ideological communication and physical skills.

My second support job is Jimmy, a 16-year-old autistic boy, the third is Mike, a 26-year-old visually impaired, followed by Lourdes, a 40-year-old visually impaired, and the fifth is Harvey, an 11-year-old autistic child , the sixth is a 21-year-old egan with autism and ptsd, and the seventh is a 22-year-old min with autism and ptsd.






In the first interview with most clients, I can always get approval from them or their parents. I think this has a close relationship with the overall aura reflected in my continuous improvement in sports and thinking over the years.

Because my current minimum hourly wage has risen from $36 a year ago to $60, and the weekend price has also come to $80. This is another manifestation of my recognition.

But I didn't schedule the weekly working hours particularly full, because I now want more time for my own life than before in China. My current local working hours do not exceed 20 hours a week, and more time, I am exercising, reading and thinking.

In addition to the local job, I also have income from my own online English school. In the past six months, due to the rapid decline in the domestic economic situation and the changes in the mentality of many parents, this part of the income has dropped a lot. Running a school The original intention and dream of helping more children learn English well will not change, so I will not stop the online English school, and I also hope to meet those parents who are determined to find a learning English for their children. It seems that it is the most valuable investment method under the avalanche risk of the current domestic economic environment. What you invest in is the future of your children.

The official account sharing and video sharing I have been doing have not brought me any economic returns. A few days ago, a friend asked me if I could make money as an official account. If I share the official account for the purpose of making money, there is a high probability It will be very disappointing, and it will not last long.

Of course, the way of marketing is another matter, but this way does not have much value and significance in my opinion. The way of selling anxiety and attracting the public with wrong values ​​may have economic returns in a short period of time , but in the long run, I don’t think this way is a good thing for the author’s own growth, just like gambling, stock trading, and real estate gaining huge profits, people’s greedy nature will make people go down this road , until a disaster strikes, this also belongs to the development process of objective laws. When the personality cannot afford the external reputation and material things, it will encounter greater setbacks than ordinary people, and then it will fall heavily in exchange for the next one. a stage of growth.

Driven by passion, using love to generate electricity is the only way for a person to do one thing differently from others. Some time ago, some friends asked me if there is any future in doing support work. I am not sure whether he is asking about the future or the future. Money way.

I think career does not distinguish whether there is a future or not. If he loves to do something, he has a future in himself, and if a career with a "money" prospect is not driven by enthusiasm, but only guided by material interests, then for him personally Nor is it promising.

The rewards I get from being an official account, besides allowing me to sort out my thinking, deepen my subconscious, and guide me to further grow, my frank sharing has also won the trust of many people. Learning English at school, even if I have never met, you can transfer tens of thousands of tuition fees to me in this environment where everyone is increasingly distrusting each other. This is an unexpected harvest.

I also provide my consultation for friends who encounter difficult choices on the road of life, and help them with the life philosophy I have learned from my own life experience. This is my life coach consulting business. If it can help a person's future The direction of life plays the role of a turning point, and I think it is also of great significance.

During the one and a half years in Australia, I have thought countless times whether to return to my major due to economic pressure, but after 7 years of study and 5 years of work, I finally found a direction I didn’t like, and It took me 5 years to finally find what I love. It is hard to convince me to do something I don't like because of financial pressure.

Many people think that they can't do the life direction I chose because I have more capital than them, no, I have no savings, I gave up my education, I just learned to be more courageous with all my life experiences, Courage is something that everyone can learn and possess.

With courage, you can say no to the environment you don’t like, and you can let yourself reject the work field you don’t like. You can fight more and more bravely in the face of countless setbacks. With the strength of your heart, your heart can help you support your love.

Survival is always an easy task. The reason why you want to persuade yourself to give up and say 'no' and to give up your love is not to survive, but because you want a better material life. The reason why you give up is because You are not passionate enough, maybe this is not your true love, and finding true love requires countless difficulties.

Survival and enthusiasm are not the only choice between two, material and enthusiasm are two options , but choosing enthusiasm does not mean giving up material, material can become an unexpected gift after you choose enthusiasm, But enthusiasm will never be your chance to obtain it after you choose material life.


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自由潜水教练olivier毕业于985计算机硕士,30岁后放下国内的所有,追求自由的新人生,思想于04年翻墙,肉身在18年才跟上了思想的步伐。曾在菲律宾教授自由潜,独居在malapascua岛的两年获得了思想的升华,目前移居在西澳大利亚perth。 希望通过分享我自身在自我流放中的感悟,带给他人更多的思考。 所有未注明出处的文章均为原创,谢绝私自转载。 本平台文章包括我自己的微信公众平台文章的备份以及审核不过的文章。
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