Learning experience | Here is a dream: a platform that must be built, akaSwap

Matters Discord has a study session every Friday at 11:00 am. Today, Wang Xinren (A Luan), the first Taiwanese person who boarded the NFT art hall Art Blocks, was invited. He said he was talking nonsense, and I was always moved by him .
Looking for a picture blindly

The person who comes to Class today to share is Ah Ran, the first Taiwanese to be on the Art Blocks of the NFT Art Hall.

I first met Aran because of Dou Ni (he was the beginning of my understanding of many things). I was moved when I saw his original intention of establishing akaSwap. Local platforms and local artists, I believe everyone has the ability and "qualification" to find a way. People who don't understand foreign BAYC culture can play other games, and creators who can't be listed on super art platforms can also have their own super platforms.

I visit akaSwap from time to time Referring to how they curate the theme activities, they are diverse, mainstream and niche: "Support Ukraine NFT Exhibition", "Peace and Sustainability", "Pingtung Tourist Circle", and "Taipei University of Technology Graduation Student Production" "Exhibition" allows students to get started and understand this industry.

I read Aran’s interview online, and part of it is quoted below.

Aran, who founded akaSwap, said: "Everyone can wander in the Yuanverse, but there are different entrances to the Yuanverse. I want to create an entrance that is comfortable for Taiwanese people and can be traded on the shelves. At the same time, because he is For truly web3.0 products, after being put on the shelves, you can directly take them anywhere for resale, transaction, and mobile, and it has nothing to do with the platform. It is very free."

I am an ETH player. I have speculated, liked and collected many ETH NFTs. However, it is difficult to afford the NFTs on Art Blocks, and mint is not enough for others to grab with gas fees, so I rarely come into contact with art NFTs in ETH. A plate. Art platforms also have their "problems". Aran said: "In February 2021, the NFT platform was actually very closed. If I were not a supporter of the early currency circle, it would be impossible for me to work in Foundation and Nifty Gateway. "On several platforms", "With no way to go, I asked a friend I knew well and finally got a certification letter from the Foundation and put the work on the shelves, but I felt that all this was too blocking all kinds of possibilities and creations, because You are being selected and reviewed.”

If you want to jump out and be selected.

Later, he went to the Tezos chain, which has a lower threshold, wider dimensions, and higher tolerance. I was also infected by Dou Ni (again). I got to know Tezos in March and spent a lot of time playing there. I deeply feel the openness, diversity, and community. I have a Sichuan Fritillary (TezDozen), which I exchanged with my friend Javaing . I was very happy when I received it. To understand TezDozen, you must read the NFT story collection. |Cave, universe, fritillary . Then I met some Web3 friends, such as Teacher Baocheng, Mi Lu, Mido who draws beautiful things, and Ann Chou . Her article "Left Ear" recording the creation of Left Ear NFT was so tenderly written. Hydroponic Coriander once gave me a chair NFT " School Desks and Chairs ", which she made herself. She put the sentences chosen by the collector on it, and I gave her "It seems that there are no dreams, only the present moment" and "Come to the world, I was helpless", so I got one: "This is Dobby's chair, those graffiti recorded all his youthful years." She has written in detail about the future of akaSwap and akaDAO . Later, I also read Shao-Huan ’s book Disappearing Family NFT: Life Passed by Time and the Eternal Absence of the Chain . He said: “Ever since I entered the blockchain world, I have always been thinking about the blockchain. How can the chain be more deeply involved in society?" I have always liked people with a sense of mission. Although I am not very friends with you, the encounters on Web3 always make people feel very warm, like we have not seen each other before, and we feel like old friends at the first sight.

I really wanted to write about the experience of playing in Tezos, but I haven’t written it yet. I heard Ah Luan’s lecture in the class this morning, so I wrote a little bit. The technical content of this class is not high, and I heard a lot of “human” side like.

Ah Luan retrieved his first Twitter Post ( follow him together ), he posted a work, only got 0 likes, and later tweets got 1 like, 4 likes, and he kept saying "no one cares about me" (laughs) I liked how he faced "failure" for a while), from "no one paid attention to me" to selling out the work overnight, there were very few flukes in it, and it was more about dedication and perseverance (attracting attention).

At the beginning, he airdropped his works to the artist's wallet, and later released various "weird", thoughtful, impactful, and interesting NFTs. There are many creativity and ideas in them, and more, perseverance He Zhichong, from "no one cares about me" to "blind and thoughtful", until he went to Art Blocks, took a turn, and returned to the local area to create a platform and build a community. He said that there are many artists in akaSwap Coming to the blockchain to make a living and looking for a way out together, he regards the members of the platform as part of the responsibility (also closely related to the theme of Class: how to help NFT artists from the perspective of the platform), which makes people smile. After running around for a while, he worked hard to build a platform, and in the process, he managed to make it happen. This idea "must" "must" be done, how reasonable, to believe in what is being believed.

I also remember the first few AMAs I listened to after I entered Web3. One of the speakers was Mr. Baocheng, who studied politics. He talked about how blockchain, NFT, and decentralization can change our situation. There is no chance in the world, and people who have been suppressed can find their opportunities in Web3. He started from the perspective of politics, power structure, and social governance. I listened with all my heart and soul. I like politics, people who read politics, and people who are righteous and confident. How lucky I was to hear such a high-quality AMA as soon as I stepped in, which made me less wronged and suspicious.

And this morning's class reminded me again that this community has a lot of ambition and kindness in it, I wish you all the best!

A little bit of business: Click on the Matters Discord , there will be a study session every Friday at 11 am; click on the "Forum", you can post your experience and get 100 Matters Coin.

Last post about my kitten TezDozen

Tez Dozen Guardian Meow

And Dobby's chair

Student desks and chairs

Happy Friday!


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