Success is not easy, in addition to confidence and patience, you must __________?

Dr.J 的成長實驗室

Success is not easy! In addition to confidence and patience, you must also "act"!

Many times, in order to achieve our dreams, we have to learn to get along with ourselves, focus on working hard for our goals, and "continue to do what we need to do"!

Simply put, we cannot be lazy and successful, they are two parallel lines that never intersect.

Many people would rather spend a lot of time watching TV, watching Netflix, playing games, and then complaining or complaining that they can't achieve the dreams or goals they want to achieve...

But in fact, no one can create anything without work discipline and extra effort!

You have to beat procrastination, you have to adjust your habits, you have to create discipline in life and work, keep your commitments to yourself and others, if, you want to achieve whatever you desire.

You have to "desire" what you want to achieve!

You have to "desire" to the point that you are willing to give everything to achieve it!

Finding the WHY of your dreams and goals is critical!

In my previous articles, Want to Effectively Set Goals? Don't ignore these 7 things! " One of the final points is: "Find your 'why'!"

This will be your "fuel" as you work towards your goals!

The fuller and stronger your "why" is, the more motivated you will be to keep taking action!

Try to ask yourself: How will it benefit you to achieve this goal? Will you be happy when you reach it?

Conversely, think about:

What are the consequences if I don't achieve this goal? How will it affect my life?

This doesn't mean that we have to set unattainable goals from the very beginning and overwhelm ourselves...

"Aim Big but Start Small!" We can have big long-term dreams, but start with this small step right now.

Although I often want to take a holiday on weekends, but when I think about my promise to have daily updates, unless I really encounter something beyond my control, I will insist on doing it well!

I have had nose allergies since I was a child, and I have been taking traditional Chinese medicine for several years. This Monday, my allergies broke out again. I have been running noses and stuffy noses.

Let you guess what the topic of that article I wrote that day was? It's this: "It's not the tools you need to be proficient in to increase your productivity! Rather..."

If you have read the theme of this article, you should know that it is "no matter whether your current state is good or bad, keep taking action!" Since I have written this myself, how can I give up?

Therefore, I took an extra packet of water medicine (the medicine that has been fried in the clinic and can be drunk after heating), and I still slowly completed the to-do list that was originally scheduled for the day, including the progress of Japanese learning, until I took a shower at night. Finish!

The moment of completion is very fulfilling. Not only do I continue to be loyal to the content I share, but also my willpower has grown a lot!

So if you really want to be successful (in any field), ask yourself the following questions:

"Do I have work discipline?"

"Have I put in all my efforts?"

"Are my existing life or work habits helping me?"

"Do I procrastinate often?"

Suppose you get 25 points for a question, how much would you rate yourself?

Let me know by leaving a message below 😊

Reference source:


I'm Dr. J, your #growlab .

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If you have any questions or ideas, please leave a message below or send an email to let me know!


See you in our next article!


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Dr.J 的成長實驗室歡迎加入《成長進行式》電子報! 一起踏上成長的行列! 前國際品牌的全球產品行銷企劃 一個熱愛閱讀、追求個人成長與改變的實驗家 成長來自於一個個實驗的過程 生活,是最理想的實驗室 協助一樣喜歡成長的你, 共同實驗出更精采的人生😊
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《想要成功實現任何目標, 先做到「這件事」!》