【🇵🇱Poland scene】Ukrainian refugees: Kate (17 years old), Liza (11 years old), Alyona (42 years old), Jessica (dog, 6 years old)


🏠 Hometown: Kamianske
🇩🇪 Destination: Germany

The train from his hometown to Lviv left at three in the afternoon but did not arrive until noon the next day. Originally, the train did not take such a long time, but under the current circumstances, the train needs to slow down to deal with bombing or some emergencies. In Lviv, there were also some volunteers assisting, and then we took a bus to the Ukrainian border. It took about 24 hours from our home to the border. We waited in line for about five hours at the border to enter Poland. There were many volunteers at the border who gave us and the animals some food and took care of our dogs.

In Kamianske, the sirens sounded every day and we needed to move from the apartment to some private quarters where we could hide every time the sirens were heard. I still remember the day when we took the train to Lviv, the siren was very loud and we were all scared because we didn't know what to do or where to hide.

And another terrible thing was that on the day we were about to reach Lviv, the city was attacked a second time. I hope these crazy things can end, and I hope that in the future, all countries can ensure that this history will not repeat itself.

We travel to Lviv by train and took bus to the Polish border. It took around 5 hours to across the border from Ukraine side to Poland side. There have a lot of volunteer bring food to us and animals. They also helped us to look after the dogs.

We took the train from hometown at 3pm but arrived Lviv next day in the afternoon. It supposed to be faster but the train has to go slowly in case of any bombing and emergency situation. Volunteer helping in Lviv as well. The whole journey from home to border took around 24 hours.

Siren was alerted everyday. We moved from flat to private house so when we heard siren we can hide. When we took the train to Lviv siren was on and very loud. We were very scared. We didn't know what to do and how to hide ourselves. Another scary thing was Lviv had been second bombed and we are ready to there.

I want this madness can be over. I wish all countries to make sure that history will not be happened again.

(Special thanks to Ukrainian Oleg for the translation)


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李雨夢獨立記者。前《蘋果日報》記者/主播,曾為《明周文化》專題組成員。願能在亂世中守護真相。 FB : https://www.facebook.com/leeyumung IG : https://www.instagram.com/leeyumung/
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