Future trends / virtual kitchens without storefronts are king?


Virtual kitchen, also known as cloud kitchen, ghost kitchen, refers to a kitchen model that does not provide dining space, no restaurant storefront, and only provides delivery business. Ninety percent of the front-end meals are completed in the central kitchen, and then the back 10% of the process is handed over to the satellite kitchen at the rear. As soon as the restaurant receives the order, it can be assembled or heated to serve the meal, and the meal can be delivered to consumers at the fastest speed.

This kind of kitchen model has been making waves in Europe and the United States. At that time, the creative person was still a video game technology person. When he heard that the originally planned restaurant was about to close the stall because he couldn't find a good store or location, he had to turn it around. The idea of a virtual kitchen was not expected to become a trend later, and a business model like this in Taiwan has just started. The dream of entrepreneurs is to bring Taiwanese cuisine to the world, and also to relieve the homesickness of those who travel abroad.

In the past few days, I have seen someone mention that in the era of epidemic, the concept of virtual kitchen will become king and mainstream in the future. As long as a small storefront or no storefront is needed at all, as long as a computer and a kitchen can open a store, that is to say Ordering, processing, and serving meals are very simple concepts. You don’t need to be a chef, you don’t need to learn skills, and you don’t need to have a storefront to start a catering business. Doesn’t it sound great?

In fact, the concept of microwave food in convenience stores is like this, but the processed food becomes the consumer, not the store owner. Let’s talk more deeply. If you really want to open a store and become a boss, you must also have a brand concept instead of your own brand. And marketing concept, just having a central kitchen is not enough.

The virtual kitchen is just a business concept and model, but to do it well, it is also the brand that cooperates with it. It is impossible to easily succeed just by relying on a dream of making money.

Having said that, if you want to build a virtual kitchen, you have to have a good logistics delivery as a match. For example, it is raining heavily now, and during the epidemic, you often order a takeaway and no one can deliver it, even if you have a large number of orders. yeah XD


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