[2021 Guide for Taiwanese and German couples to re-register with Taiwan after getting married in Denmark]

I will get married in Denmark in 2019, return to Taiwan to register and hold a German wedding in 2021, and possibly hold a wedding in Taiwan in 2022. Because of the epidemic, a cross-border marriage that has been married for 3 years and has not completed all the procedures is even difficult to get divorced. Because in order to get a divorce, you have to complete your marriage first (wrong).

I was chatting with a new friend today. Her husband is an Indonesian overseas Chinese and he is Taiwanese. The two settled in Germany and got married in Germany. Until today, they have not returned to Taiwan to register.

After chatting with him, I discovered that I had written an article in 2019:

【2019 Self-help Strategy for Marriage in Denmark】-How Taiwanese and Germans get married in Denmark

It is mentioned at the end of this article, and I will share with you the registration process back to Germany and Taiwan.

As a result, I spent my days rushing back to Taiwan to change jobs, hold a wedding, and start a business. I never had time to go back and finish the wedding process. Fortunately, the child has not yet been born, otherwise everyone would probably have to wait for another 18 years for this article to come out (wrong).

Today, perhaps it was God’s will that my friend reminded me? Let me complete this journey.

As for my entrepreneurial project, it is also based on my experience in Taiwan and Germany. It is called "Comer" and aims to help "newcomers" to get their best results at a price "like treating a friend to a meal in exchange for information." Real experience required.

The pursuit of content has a price, but it must be at a reasonable price, thus creating a free market for trading experience.
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Without further ado, let’s get to the topic:

After a Taiwanese-German couple has registered in Denmark, how can they re-register when they return to Germany?

After getting married in Denmark, you will get a marriage certificate and an Apostille (on the same piece of paper, but the Apostille is stamped on the back of your marriage certificate)


➡️ 1. Marriage certificate and Apostille
➡️ 2. Registration of your and your significant other’s old address (Anmeldungsbescheinigung)
(It can be different. For example, I lived in Berlin and my husband lived in Frankfurt, so there are two pieces of paper)
(Will be replaced with a new one later)
➡️ 3. Taiwanese passport and German residence visa

With the above three documents, you can register as "married".

Please note that this is a relatively "lazy" approach, because this approach does not allow you to obtain a marriage certificate from the German household registration unit (Standesamt), which means that your Danish certificate will have to be kept for a lifetime.
But the more "complicated" approach is to take the birth certificate and other documents to Standesamt. We may not plan to do this in this life, because the Danish certificate has the same effect as long as it is not lost.

When I went there that day, the host aunt was super nice (could it be because I speak German? It’s very rare for a German host to have a good attitude...), and she even joked with me that she knew how to spell my husband’s address ( When I wanted to spell it out to her), she kindly asked me if I would like a paper copy of the changed residence certificate (Erweitertemeldensbescheinigung) so that I could go to the tax authorities to change the tax bracket.

The above is the process of registration back to Germany.
Next chapter, return to Taiwan to register!

After a Taiwanese-German couple has registered in Denmark, how can they re-register when they return to Taiwan?

Fast forward to 2021. Two years later, we returned to Taiwan to register, and this time, I was the only one.
The epidemic has broken up many foreign marriages, including Big S and her husband, Fukuhara Ai and Jiang Hongjie, Ouyang Jing and his Japanese husband.
Why didn't my husband and I divorce? One of the reasons is because we haven't even gotten married yet (big mistake).

Okay, without further ado, let’s take a look at what you need to prepare for returning to Taiwan.
However, before returning to Taiwan, you actually need to do one thing in Germany first, which is to "prove that your spouse's Chinese name is really what he wants, and not someone else randomly picked it for him."
Similar to bodily autonomy, this is "autonomy in naming."
Therefore, you must first print out the "Declaration Form for the Use of Chinese Names by Foreigners" and go to Germany's "Taipei Representative Office in Germany" to have your spouse sign it in person. Then you can print out the "Declaration Form for the Use of Chinese Names by Foreigners" Take it back to Taiwan.

There are two places you need to go to when you return to Taiwan: 1. Court 2. Household Registration Office.

  1. The court will bring you a Danish marriage certificate that you translated yourself (just translate it yourself, you don’t have to pay for someone to translate it)
    After the translation is completed, go to the court for certification.
  2. Household Registration Office ➡️ 1. My ID card ➡️ 2. A copy of my husband’s passport ➡️ 3. My parents’ household register (your husband will not be registered in your household registration, but your marriage will be registered as your spouse) column and your "Notes")
    ➡️ 4. Danish marriage certificate and Apostille
    ➡️ 5. Declaration for foreigners to adopt Chinese names (that is, what is mentioned above)
    ➡️ 6. Photo sticker for ID card (although many household registration offices also have photo machines, so you can just take photos there, but it is safer to take photos in advance, and the photos taken by household registration offices are very ugly)
    ➡️ 7. Danish marriage certificate translated in court

After going to the household registration office, you will get a new ID card on the spot, with your new photo on it and your spouse's Chinese name in the spouse column.

Finally, because I returned to Taiwan to register after two years, I was fined. I forgot how much I was actually fined, but I don’t remember much. It was only a few hundred Taiwan dollars. Taiwan is still very humane, and all fines are fined. Just a moment.

The above is my marriage journey spanning more than two years (?)
I hope everyone has a smooth marriage! :)

Overall, it is still highly recommended to get married in Denmark, because it is much more convenient than getting married in Germany. The reasons are mentioned in the related works and I will not go into details.
When you get married in Denmark, you can also take a trip to Copenhagen. There is a Tivoli amusement park there, where you can be a willful child for the last time before getting married, and you will be very happy.

After getting married in Denmark, it was a happy moment when I could finally take off my shoes and break the constraints of high heels XD

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