[Bosen Movies] Temple Grandin

來自木星的 DINO
Write down your feelings after watching the movie, and use the original title of the movie as the title.

The last time I saw this movie was on passenger transport, this time I saw it again on TV, it was very touching! Describe Temple, who suffers from autism, and who has the ability to understand the world through thinking graphically.

But these differences made him out of place like a freak and suffered all the pain, but he eventually became a great scientist who changed the world, reinventing animal husbandry, so that the cattle raised could be free from suffering in the final stage of life, and let the primitive The slaughtering process has been modernized, making animal husbandry more humanized and more efficient.

Due to his incompatibility with the society, Temple suffered a lot on the road of education since he was a child, but his parents still insisted on educating him in another way. Even if the road was more difficult, they would not give up every opportunity to integrate him into the crowd.

Everything changed when Temple went to high school, met a teacher who taught science, a teacher who respected and understood his talents and differences, the teacher told him you had to go to college, but that meant Temple was getting closer to the college system again. And teaching, on the way is bound to endure the great psychological pain caused by the difference between yourself and others.

But the teacher told Temple that every time you encounter such a difficulty in your life, imagine that there is a door in front of you, a wonderful door, you must open it, and there is a wonderful scenery waiting for you in the back.

Imagine that there is a door in front of you, just for you, wonderful door, you have to open it, and there is a wonderful view waiting for you in the back.

So Temple always remembered the teacher's words, whenever pain and setbacks hindered his progress, she would always see a door, only his door, so he had the courage to open the door, Kang Bao read all the way to the doctor, and focused on His favorite animal, the cattle, she became a pioneer who suffered from strange eyes in the cattle breeding field full of men. She was ridiculed and bullied, but he finally used his own way of thinking to help the cattle being raised. Create a dignified and comfortable life.

"Nature is cruel, but we don't have to be cruel, we raise cattle for food, at least at the end of their lives, we can respect these lives."

In the end, Temple made an unexpected speech at an event for autistic patients and attracted everyone's attention. Everyone was curious about how she was cured, and she could still read the doctor. Temple replied: " I have never been cured, but I can finally use My own way of understanding the world and creating meaning in my life, all because my parents never gave up on me when I was a kid.


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