Summer of Tile Cats, a local community experiment in Dali

Everything I saw, heard and felt in Dali in just two days made me truly experience how powerful the power of consensus and self-organization is. This is an inherent cultural attribute of the Web3 community and a social experiment shared by all of us. From the moment Dali Web3 Street Club started its self-organization, I knew that we have become, we have achieved, we have participated, and we have witnessed.

a tumultuous journey

If a month ago, we habitually believed that activities such as Web3 should take place in first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and Shenzhen; Dali and technology, especially Web3, are completely irrelevant.

But everything came so suddenly. At about the beginning of July, at the suggestion of several small partners in 706 Youth Space (Dali Edition), they planned to hold a Dali version of Web3 party. After the preheating of the "Ten Days Talk" and several DAO partners joining in one after another, they spontaneously formed a planning and execution team of about 100 people. The 706 youth space is also in full swing. The atmosphere of the Web3 school overwhelms the literary school. Whether eating or chatting, people always talk about NFT, DAO, SBT, Defi and so on. I don’t know if it’s because Dali is known as Fornia, or because it’s recommended by a few KOL friends in the circle, or maybe everyone needs a real face-to-face basis for offline gatherings. Anyway, through word of mouth, the entire domestic Web3 circle knows that Dali is about to welcome The Web3 event: the summer of tile cats.

If we say that the event preparations based on this kind of decentralized and co-creative collaboration model are gradually getting better after early adjustments, the uncontrollable factors related to reporting, filing and epidemic situation have always made the preparation team uneasy . After repeated material submissions, revisions, resubmissions, and revisions, the approval was finally passed in early August. There are still 3 days before the street fair will start. The agenda is determined, materials are in place, venue layout and tent construction are about to start. Everything is ready At the most critical moment, something went wrong in the end. So there is the following scene:

Dali Web3 Street will be canceled

Greetings to all the co-builders and participants of the "Summer of Tile Cats". I am very sorry to inform everyone that because the organizers of the conference received a notice at 12:00 noon on August 16th, considering the risk of the epidemic, the Yunnan Provincial Epidemic Prevention Command requested that all large-scale activities be shut down. The "Summer of Tile Cats - Dali Web3 Street Fair" was canceled due to force majeure.

Theme camp branch venue PlanB

On the first day after the cancellation of the main venue of "Summer of Tile Cats" with thousands of people, we entered the PlanB mode of the sub-venues of the theme camps, and the hosts of the sub-venues of each theme camp started to act spontaneously. Everyone began to look for other suitable venues, and quickly settled down on the first day

The following are the activity scenes of various themed camps on the first day of the 19th, including NFT camp, DAO camp, Yafeila camp, and DeSoc camp

Asia and Africa Camp
digital nomad camp

DeSoc Camp

A thorough attempt at decentralization

At 11 o'clock in the middle of the night on August 19th, news came from various pre-heating groups of the street fair that various theme camps were closed down one after another due to uncontrollable factors such as the epidemic.

It may be precisely at this time that the central node of the Dali Web3 Street Meeting was completely broken up. Not only the decentralization at the organizational level, but also the event venue, all the participants who came to Dali, and even the event initiation mechanism. All visible and visible levels have entered a state of decentralization. The partner who was originally in charge of the meeting affairs of the summer venue of the tile cat shouted: We have been removed from the center!

You can see a new scene like this:

Various project parties, investors, and even individuals have spontaneously established various scattered groups, spontaneously sorted out event information, and spontaneously organized offline gatherings in various inns and homestays in Dali. This is a co-creation experiment involving everyone. After the main venue and theme camps have been canceled one after another, people’s burst of new creativity has led to wave after wave of "distributed go". Centralized" meetups and self-organized collaboration.

As a friend put it:

"Dali in the next few days is like a large-scale game dungeon. A group of people enter the map, form teams freely, visit unused NPCs, complete tasks, and upgrade equipment."

Someone organized the WeChat group

Someone sorted out various information posts

Summary of posters for all co-creation events

There is no main venue, no theme camps, no music performances, and no high camps. It doesn't matter, we are already in Dali, we can flow in various places in Dali, in the inn, on the Erhai Lake, on the Renmin Road, in the hotel, in the bar, in the coffee shop, on the Cangshan Mountain, we will turn the whole Dali into Web3 Street Meeting

Thirteen Dimensions shared the connection between cypherpunk, hippies and Web3 in a self-organized salon

In the desoc forum, the on-site partners have mint 200 DESCO badges from scratch in the conflux chain in 15 minutes

During an impromptu meeting, Dinghui also hosted a speech of DAO, colliding with a new cognitive framework. "Leaving the system means freedom, and we all need to learn how to bear the weight of life that freedom brings"

Guests shared DID decentralized identity system in DAO Spacee, which may be the passport to Web3

The SeeDAO art union "Nearby Art" and SpaceDAO launched the online creation project "Securing Web3 with 10,000 NFTs" to raise funds for the organizers of the "abortion" event. In The Space, all pixel NFTs used for creation can be circulated under the radical market rules implemented by smart contracts. This is a model combining Harberger tax and ubi experiment, which is very interesting.

We wander in 706 youth space (Dali), DAO Space, Dali Hub, See Shore, waste time and other fluid spaces; we eat, drink, discuss NFT, DAO, DeSoc, Defi in these living rooms...

There are wines and stories

In addition to participating in a variety of sharing, discussion, workshops and lecture salons, the most exciting part is a variety of spontaneous drinking, dinner, street night chat, inn chat, and even 706 youth space (Dali version) Late night poker...

Countless scenes take place in the streets and alleys, and here is the unique Dali version of Liushang Qushui, including street stalls, night chats, camping wine bureaus, roadside taverns, PPT production bureaus, and social small wine bureaus.

What will Web3 Street bring?

Everyone is rushing to Dali for Web3. Dali's new immigrants and local residents are very confused, what exactly is Web3? In fact, I am also confused, what is Web3? Everyone who came to this Web3 street meeting seemed to have a different understanding. Some say decentralization, some say empowering content creators, some say this is a new set of narratives, and some say personal data sovereignty...

Hourglass said in the circle of friends: "Actually, I am also confused about Web3. New narratives are often old traps, which go round and round, with very few exceptions.

The "common memory" of establishing a physical enclave this time is actually a powerful response to the construction of scenes in digital space. This is not to declare the failure of digitalization, but to help get rid of black and white thinking, or the prejudice that puts technology in opposition to human nature. "

The "common memory" of this Dali physical enclave is based on the countless gatherings, exchanges, night chats, wine bureaus, and dinners that occurred in just two days on the 19th and 20th. I am thinking, what will happen to this Web3 street meeting? What else did it bring us?

It may be a true understanding of self-organization and decentralization. This is our real and real way of organizing in Dali.

Although the street fair was initiated by 706 Youth Space (Dali), the handover was transferred to every participant of the street fair from the moment the street fair announced its suspension.

Everything I saw, heard and felt in Dali in just two days made me truly experience how powerful the power of consensus and self-organization is. This is an inherent cultural attribute of the Web3 community and a social experiment shared by all of us. From the moment Dali Web3 Street Club started its self-organization, I knew that we have become, we have achieved, we have participated, and we have witnessed.

The follow-up possibility of Dali

Since it is a short 2-day community experiment, there must be a moment when it ends. Perhaps, we can have a new imagination for Dali, and we can develop more in this southwest city, which is comparable to California in terms of climate, geography, and culture. With more possibilities, it has truly become a stronghold for domestic digital nomads, cutting-edge technology and cultural practitioners.

Based on the local community in Dali, we can gradually expand to all over the world, such as Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Hangzhou, San Francisco, Singapore, and New York, forming a community network that is both local and international.

Dali is the starting point of our departure, and we hope that every small partner who has been to Dali Web3 can rely on each other and continue to explore on this road.

Finally, a special thanks to 706 Youth Space (Dali), the sponsor of this Dali Watmao Summer, as well as GreenPill, SeeDAO community support partner, as well as the president Chi Lijiang, the collaborator Dasong, the outreach manager Xia Kai and other team members, and all The co-builders who have paid so far, and all Dali Web3 participating partners on the 19th and 20th, without your efforts, there would be no such Web3 street meeting. The following is the list of all co-builders. If there are any omissions, you are welcome to add

Watmao Summer is an attempt at decentralization, a non-commercial activity, and all co-builders are volunteers to participate in the collaboration. The organizational structure of the conference is carried out in the form of DAO. It is an experiment and exploration of collaboration, mutual trust and co-creation under the spirit of self-organization, which makes us completely different from any conference held in China before.


Aiboo | Amagi | Andrew | Audrey Tang | Artest | A Shu | A Yuan | Bei | Bella | Beryl_hfm | Kui | Chris | Da Cao | Da Xia | Dane | Daniel | Dayao | EasternWings | Weimo Luc_Kuanfu | He Luo | Sponge | Jack | Jazzy | Jean Chen | jia jiang | Jiajun | Joran | Wang | Lu Yiyi | Lynn | Meta | Milky Way_Galaxy | McDull | Money | Nicholas.Hu | MXX | Sheng Nan | Shi Beichen | Sherry | SLOW Seals | Sunny | Survivor | Pickled Fish | Shi Yu | Tang Han | Tang Lijiang | Kai | Xia Xiaoling | Xia Mengren | small battery | xiaoli | radish diced | Yue Mo | Zhang Chi | Zhang Man | Zhiwei | Zhou Zhou | Zhou Huan | 6th-town |

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