Q2 Charity Donation of RMB 5,697|Turn into appreciation, a light for disadvantaged children in remote villages

Thank you~ for your support! Announce the profit of Q2 creation donation for public welfare, to you who continue to silently support the public welfare project "Admiration, Light for Vulnerable Children in Remote Villages". Q2 Charity donation 5,697 yuan (NTD), accumulating 40,210 yuan.
Image source: Stone brother drawing

Q2 Charity Donation of RMB 5,697|Turn into appreciation, a light for disadvantaged children in remote villages


Good day, my friend, I am Brother Stone - your career mentor . Although the epidemic has slowed down, the Russian-Ukrainian war, inflation and interest rate hikes, shortages of raw materials, and the "epic" collapse of the cryptocurrency have brought the donations of "Writing Creation to Public Welfare" to the bottom. But also because of this, the good side of human nature is even more precious and grateful. I would like to thank @Red for writing several articles, shining in the dark, and then awakening friends around him who are willing to lend a helping hand.

Thank you, thank you for your warmth and love. We never knew each other in Matters virtual avatars, or in the real world, but each other's hearts shone brightly, just because we came from the darkness and suspense many children in the dark, We know that as long as: I care, I want, I will change (I Care, I Can, I Change) , there will always be a little splash or ripple.

🔥Thank you for your enthusiastic participation; this public welfare activity will be reported on the "Sweet Potato Vine"/"Tao News" online in June! Click on my link to open 🔗

[Xiaoyong foot, challenge 144.4 kilometers, Huadong hiking on the 8th]

1. Up to standard: middle school and primary six camping and picnic

Last week, "Green Light Seeds" brought good news. The Green Light Seeds graduation event was suspended for two years. This time, thanks to the support from all walks of life, we finally achieved the camping activities for middle school and elementary school graduating classes in the warm May and June, allowing children Experience the challenge of setting up a tent for a picnic, tracing the river, sharing your feelings and gratitude in the starry night, and creating a good memory for this graduation season.

Image source: Provided by the teacher of Green Light Seed; Brother Shishi made a mask to cover it slightly

2. Little 4th and 5th, the 8th Walking Demon Test, which will start today

What does it mean to be ready for the senior year?
It means that you will go away from immaturity,
On behalf of you will take on more important tasks,
It means that you will be a role model for grades 1, 2, 3, and 4.
It means that you will emerge from the chrysalis into a beautiful butterfly. It means.... This kind of representative is not as inspiring as you make up your mind to take a "Devil Grade Test" .

✅Huadong 8-day trekking ✅It is estimated that the hike is 144.4 km
✅Start and end date: 7/24 ~ 8/1
I would like to thank the " Reverse Alliance Association" for their full assistance: North-Dream Home, China-Forest Students Foundation, South-Flying Association, Taitung-Children's Bookstore.

From now on, start team training to strengthen Xiaoyong's foot strength, physical strength and endurance...

[The Q2 profit was 5,697 yuan, and it was a success; calling for volunteers and material assistance]

Thanks to the kind-hearted people from all walks of life for their help, the "Green Light Seed Classroom" - a camp for middle school classes and a graduation challenge camp for elementary schools, allows children to experience high-altitude experiences and train them to break through difficulties and work as a team. I also experienced the challenge of setting up a tent for a picnic, tracing the river, sharing my feelings and gratitude in the starry night, and making a good memory for the graduation season in this epidemic.

Image source: Stone brother's donations

3. Turning appreciation into light for disadvantaged children in remote villages: Accumulated 40,210 yuan ✅ From November 2021 to Q1 2022, the text creation of "Donation" will be converted to public welfare: NT$ 34,513 ✅ Currently, Stone Brother collects 2022 Q2 (April to June) Platform article "Creation to Public Welfare": NT$5,697.
"Donation available" in April: NT$2,098;
"Donations" in May: NT$2,099
"Donations" in June are: NT$1,500.
✅Matters platform, June "donation available" is: NT$340 (USD 3.98);
✅Matters wallet, "donations available" in June: NT$780 (HK$955-749; NT$3.79), etc.
✅PotatoMedia platform, in June, "donation available" is = 1 yuan (that's right, only 1 yuan in profit per month);
✅ A cup of coffee for public welfare = 379 yuan.

1. Calculation: CFO= 604-583.5=24.5, 1 CFO shows that it must be deactivated, so it is converted to 1 CFO = 22.952 CSO, 1 CSO=NT$ 0.001793; CFO passive income=1 yuan. Matters' Like coin comes to 1 Like = NT 0.0574, available points 17,167-11,234 = 5933Like.

🔥"A Cup of Coffee for Public Welfare" small donation: "Lawyer Shengyun" will be invited to check the website details; the password will also be opened to the "Wanji Project Manager" of Green Light Seed Classroom for confirmation to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

🍁You are used to a cup of 55 dollar American coffee, but this is a meal for disadvantaged children to pray ↓↓↓
🍁Click me to link: "Admiration, Light for disadvantaged children in remote villages", I would like to support Brother Stone with a cup of coffee!

Look deep into your own heart, and then discover that all the miracles are in you. - Bacon

【in conclusion】

In the Green Light Seed Classroom, there are currently more than 200 disadvantaged families participating in free homework tutoring. The class has three locations: Xinpu, Erzhong, and Zhudong. Brother Shitou started from tutoring the Zhudong Family Support Center with the assistant team of ITRI, then went to the Atayal School in Zhudong (later handed over to the assistant leader of the former assistant team of ITRI), and then transferred to the "Green Light Seeds" which is currently being drawn with all his strength. "classroom. At present, "Little Brave Feet" still lacks hiking:
✅Related materials, such as fisherman hats, cuffs, sunscreen, water bags, rain gear; we even hope that ✅We will recruit volunteers to take part in relays and leave a good record for the children's feats. Thanks~ because of you.

One day, when my expression can penetrate your heart, I will be able to connect hundreds of thousands of small fires, ignite a roaring campfire in the dark, and let more disadvantaged children receive free after-school lessons. Tutoring.

Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

石頭哥#傑出校友 #家扶認養人 #元智大學 #企業導師 #志工社長 #創作捐公益 /累積188,016元 #公益 #化讚賞為偏鄉弱勢孩童的光 #訴訟擔當 兒 聲昀律師 筑庭律師 #職場 | 職人引路,如風助翼 #靜心 | 覺察當下,滿室芬芳 #幸福 | 簡約生活,無心而為
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