[Matters 89] Nameless

There seems to be a person who would rather lose her name and become a total, transparent soul.

[Waste text, please read carefully. ]

Book on 06.05.2021

The following article is written by pet fish cat, please forgive me if the words are not expressive——

I am an alien fish cat, currently being adopted by an unnamed soul, so I am temporarily living on Earth.

The unknown adopter, or the nameless, Nameless, recently asked me, "Fish cat, what do you think of these things?" She was about to delete some stuff that she called "articles" with one click.

However, although it is an article, in my eyes, it is a stack of time and space that should have changed endlessly, but at this time, she has retained a certain shape by the net weaved by the text - even if the space is still twisting at that time, thinking Try to break free of the woven net.

Speaking of which, I really don't know what to do with those strange things that can be a little bit bound by time and space, and are called "articles" by humans. In fact, I'm just a foodie (yes, to use the earth, I'm a foodie. , How can the food of the earth be so delicious?) Basically, there is nothing to like except eating.

It's just a little unexpected that on the last day of the earth calendar in 2020, because I learned to use something called "Internet" on this planet, I stumbled into a different world called Matt City, and since then I found a lot of time and space weaving here, so interesting!

So I said, "Hey, Nameless, would you like to see this?"

Recently, Matt City has a thing called "periphery". And when I pointed it out to her, she just frowned and didn't think those bound planes could be put into the furnace, until I found a word and told her—

"You can burn it!" I said.

"Burn?" she asked.

"Yeah, it's not too far from what you said about deletion. It just doesn't exist anyway," I said.

"Then—" she thought for a moment, and finally—

"—Fish cat, take good care of the stove! It's over to you, I'll burn it clean!" This was my first assignment.

Moreover, in her smirk, I realized that a few moments ago, I had stamped a piece of stuff called "paper" by her...and that stamping seemed to have some kind of effect... It's a flower It took me a while to grope for the font on the paper, and then I checked the Internet and found out—what? No wonder she's smiling! Turns out she made me sign a contract !

The content of the contract is as follows: "Take care of the stove and you will have something to eat."


That's how I started helping a Nameless build a furnace to help burn what she called "novels".

Although I think the nameless person is really too much, but after all, I can't escape from the earth because of the contract for a while [Damn] On the other hand, after all, I also signed a contract with her, so... let me come. Introduce this unknown person...

"I believe the author is dead ," she said.

Author is dead? what is this concept?

To put it simply, "the author does not play much role in the formation of the work, but the reader's reading plays a decisive role in the production of the creative text". The world's deconstructionist Roland Barthes said.

Although she still didn't understand what the concept was, she just added:

"Anyway, take these stories and record them, and don't do my business," she said.

Although I don't know exactly what that sentence means, I can feel that she, this nameless person, must lose her name and become a complete and transparent soul before she can truly receive the story, and then record it Story—— And, paradoxically, she was there in the whole process, but in fact she was just like a platform, an existence like a background in the development of a certain process, just like walking on the road, the road is there , however, it is the way.

"Okay." After understanding what she was struggling with, I nodded.

When I nodded, I was surprised to see that my belly was full of fat -- no wonder I tried to escape back to my planet last night but couldn't succeed -- so for now, I can only be obediently guarding the furnace fish cat, obediently accepting Nameless, or South Korea Liz 's instructions.

However, I found that yes, although she is nameless and transparent, she even hates being known by others, but yes, I still call her Nancy, and I think I will still help her show the bounded time and space a little bit, Then burn it again.


Fish cat due diligence statement:
Thank you for those who are willing to watch trash 🙏🏻
Also thank you for reading this piece of Yumao's work on the keyboard 😳

Book on 16.05.2021

Speaking of which, when you grow up, you will understand that not disturbing, but quietly paying attention, is a kind of elegant heart-to-heart, and it may also be regarded as a kind of maturity-a conscious maturity that embraces and does not arbitrarily occupy public resources. In the past few days, even if I keep publishing novels, I have also written some miscellaneous notes about writing novels, or some creative essays, but is this really beneficial? Or is everything I do just taking up resources, especially the time of the people who are extremely scarce? In the past few days, although I continued to post, I often returned to my daily life after posting. I was always apprehensive and in a state of introspection.

In this age of scarce attention, perhaps the best thing I can do is keep quiet. After all, I always know when I am grandstanding, and when I am actually working hard towards the 100% line set in my heart. Even when grandstanding, I seriously want to share some experiences of living or traveling abroad.

And because I knew that I had been grandstanding, my mind was finally unable to bear it. In reality, I was completely paralyzed for two days.

I love Matt City, but I don't want my actions to actually destroy it. Pretend to settle down, reflect, and post as if nothing happened, but find that you can’t always keep up with it or help it. In this case, it seems like only a kind of harm to produce text again.

Occasionally, although I know very well what I really want to do, and what is more important, but physically, I cannot always be in a 100% perfect state, and I always write those ideal articles in my mind. And while noticing this, the guilt and self-censorship thing that kept coming to me in real life, started a little bit at a loss as to what to do.

Remain silent, or be transparent, or pretend to have nothing to do with the author's death and continue to interrupt? I have no idea.

Maybe even this shouldn't be made public? But let Nameless be headstrong for once, okay?






[ps To avoid misunderstanding, not to leave.
It just takes time to settle...
I also hope that I can accumulate some energy in the future.
Produce some articles that are closer to the ideal. ]


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