Resurrection well

Rest is to do what you want to do as you please, without worrying about pay and gain, without worrying about whether there will be a next time, there is time in life to splurge, and there is spare time to be in a daze.

This year's long Easter holiday is a rare holiday without any programs. There is no travel to go, and even a meeting with a friend must be carefully selected. Only ask someone you are sure that reasonable precautions are taken. It is best if the other party has no elderly or children at home, and you have to find a day when the weather is good to meet outdoors. The requirements of the UK's Restriction Order.

After working for these years, I always want to play until the last moment on the last day of a long vacation, like a runner crossing the line, feeling that if I don’t do my best (play), there is no chance. Going to work the next day will become "the fourth day of the first year".

I am a person who likes to plan very much. The work schedule will carefully compile what to do every hour, and even on weekends, I will arrange things to be done in the morning, afternoon and evening. Among them, I will subdivide different projects into "input" and "output". Any activity that absorbs information is "input"; any activity that requires the production of thoughts (such as writing this article) is "spin out."

Another item is "rest". Yes, I will put "break" in the schedule, and even let my colleagues know that this hour is my break time on the calendar, if you are the one. Because I am convinced that the best answer can be found by taking the mind off the question at hand. Reading is one of those "rest" activities, as is exercising, and they are both the most effective ways to shift focus in a short period of time. More often I sat on the couch bored looking out the window, or spying on what the neighbor's cat was doing.

I tried sitting in the cafe for most of the day, watching the teal in the lake to feed the young birds back and forth, and I didn't drink a few cups of coffee because the manager didn't want to chase me away

For me, rest is to do whatever you want, without worrying about pay and gain, without worrying about whether there will be a next time, there is time in life to splurge, and spare time to be in a daze. During this long holiday, I didn't do anything that was beneficial to myself and society. I cleaned, did sports, read, played dramas, studied new dishes every day, and lived my life.

I don't even feel a pity, I feel like I can fill up my schedule again tomorrow in good spirits.
Days without meaning are the most meaningful.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

Sheeta在倫敦、北京、新加坡生活過的港女一名 更多雜想在 facbook @ sheetaonthejourney, twitter @sheetancities 我愛人間樂土,但願與風和唱,鳥語花香,春回大地,桃源美景,普天同慶,就算有千噸大砲,萬匹火力,就算有更發達的科技也好,可愛的大地,永遠都是人類的家鄉。
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