I'm going to be blind and it's harder than dying

Floaters do not affect life, but severe blindness

I saw a program about eye health by chance two days ago. It talked about what "floaters" is and how to treat it. When the doctor explained the symptoms, I was startled by what he said. He said that the patient was in the eyes There are a lot of translucent granular or larvae swaying, these swaying objects will prevent you from seeing things, the light only occupies a small part of the line of sight, but when you find that the part occupied is getting bigger and bigger, it is very serious Now, the worst thing is that you will suddenly see the flash, and if the situation worsens from seeing the flash, the final result is that you can't see anything, it's pitch black, and you will be declared permanently blind at that time.

A female patient came out and said that she was driving that day, and when the car was running on the road, her eyes suddenly flashed on and off. This flash was not the kind of flash of lightning in the sky, but when the movie theater was showing a movie. The screen was suddenly dark, and then white light appeared but there was no picture, it kept flashing white and black, but there was nothing on the screen, and finally it was pitch black, she was driving at that time, you can imagine how it was The danger is equivalent to that a truck driver is suddenly slapped with a sackcloth, and the vehicle immediately loses control, resulting in casualties.

The situation mentioned by this lady is very similar to mine. Although my experience was better and I was not driving, what she described was exactly the same as what I encountered. My symptoms of floaters are actually a long time ago. I can't trace back to when, it can only be said that it is a very distant thing. I saw some translucent things in my eyes at first, but I have been ignoring it, because I don't think it's a big deal. It's just some dust on the glass of the camera lens. Anyway, I can see things, and my daily life is not affected, so I don't care about it. About half a year ago, when I was working at home, my eyes suddenly appeared black and white without pictures. At first, it only happened once a few days, and then disappeared after a few flashes. Investigating why, the flashing phenomenon appeared intermittently for a long time and then disappeared.

I just realized today that this is the last stage of floaters. If it gets worse, it may cause permanent blindness. Will I be blind? What if my world becomes pitch black? Thinking of this, I can't help but feel a chill. I measure my daily life, not to mention that I have to drive every day, I can't even use a mobile phone, let alone that I can type something on the keyboard. There is an even more terrible thing, the people around me need me Take care, who will take care of this task, I will handle many things at home, I can’t cook food, go out to buy things, and even have problems crossing the road, who will take care of my clothing, food, housing, and transportation? My life is over and my family is over. This is worse than death. When I die, at least the other half just lost a partner, but if I am blind, I will ask the other person to take care of me, she is already sick , absolutely unbearable, now I can only pray to God, don't take my eyes away, don't become blind when my wife needs me, this will be more uncomfortable than the death penalty!


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