The price of the currency plummeted, what is the validator old cat doing?

However, Lao Mao observed that the impact on the community level is not very big for the time being. The work and promotion rhythm of many chains is similar to the previous one, and the commission of some chains has increased (less opportunities for speculation? investment?), I really feel that I am not alone, there are many like-minded people.

The crypto currency circle has fallen across the board against physical currencies (usually represented and exchanged by the US dollar), and the currency circle is timid and mourning. First, because Lao Mao entered the market as a validator, he will deposit more funds and increase commissions, and secondly, he has more and less money. Therefore, in this big storm, Lao Mao’s assets (in US dollars) have also shrunk greatly.

Although there is a big and big (to strengthen the tone) price drop in this big storm, the public and financial circles are also pessimistic (the old cat also thinks that the price still has a chance to bottom), and in fact, it has a negative impact on the disposable resources of each chain. There has been a lot of impairment, and some validators have also withdrawn from the arena. However, Lao Mao observed that the impact on the community level is not very big for the time being. The work and promotion rhythm of many chains is similar to the previous one, and the commission of some chains has increased (less opportunities for speculation? Long-term investment?), I really feel that my way is not alone, there are many like-minded people.

The big storm affects people's hearts. It looks like a crisis, but it is actually a dangerous opportunity. Some services that cannot be participated in by the booming market will have opportunities in the weak market. For example, Lao Mao has recently redone Crescent's validator, which is an example. In fact, Lao Mao also tried to be a validator when Crescent was first created, and he also worked as an active validator for a few hours, but was soon kicked out. For three days in a row, Cosmos and Osmosis increased the number of validators and created Crescent. The old cat fought for it all, hoping that one of the three could stand firm, but all of them were defeated, which also damaged the old cat's morale for a while! Someone once said that validators are a game of capital. This is not completely unreasonable, but sometimes timing can change some rules. If someone hadn't given up, the old cat would not have the opportunity to be a validator of Crescent. When the exchange rate is not good, as a validator, there is a chance to lose, but after accumulating and building brand experience, when the competition in the busy market is fierce, there will be a greater chance of success. Now is also a good time to participate in LikeCoin's appreciation of citizens. It is really cheap in terms of fiat currency exchange rate. Participating in writing can sustainably support writing. The accumulation of little by little in the weak market will be the harvest time when the market is booming. . When will Vaughan come back? I don't know, but I believe Vaughan will come again because I believe in what cryptocurrency means to human society. What if I don't succeed? Then treat the old cat to dinner.

Also make an announcement:

The Crescent validator service of Lao Mao has started the Restake service, which is currently 0% commission, ranking the last 50. I hope everyone will support it.

In addition, due to resource considerations, Lao Mao also stopped validator services on BAND Protocol. Although the validator service of Lao Mao basically has no principals, it will take this opportunity to announce it.


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老貓驗證人,愛閱讀、懶寫作。歡迎交流!Cosmos Validator like reading, Nice to meet you! Twitter / Telegram : oldcatv・Web:・Discord:Kcat | Oldcat#1539・Desmos : @oldcat・Liker Social : oldcat
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