Handmade daily - let's make paper flowers together 🌸

Handmade daily series. A literary friend just asked about the paper flower background decoration of the previous film, so the hand-made article is sudden~ This time I want to make beautiful paper flowers 🌸, it is suitable for gifting and personal use, the decoration is charming and lovable, and it will be full of achievements after finishing it. Feelings and happiness! Let's do it by hand~
Paper flowers are blooming on the table~ Isn't it beautiful 😆
Handmade daily series. All kinds of handicraft creations are updated and shared from time to time, with various contents and various types, such as origami, beading, drawing, collage, and any handicrafts have the opportunity to be traced. Let's enjoy the healing brought by handmade together~

(First of all, this series was written by Pathfinder before, but it is super brain-burning to organize the materials in the teaching text, so there is nothing to write now, all Buddhists are hey 🤣)

Originally, this was an old article posted on Pathfinder a long time ago, but I didn't repost it after I moved. Recently, I happened to be in the time-lapse video of the Flower of Life-Festival: Happiness and Joy, Happy Mother's Day~ as a background decoration. As a result, @a cat who can play the piano has sharp eyes to capture the paper flower in the background, I said I want to learn how to fold it~ So I reorganized and posted the old version of the teaching text!

At first, I wanted to try paper flowers, but it was actually because I dug out a whole stack of colored paper when I was arranging the position. In the past, every time I saw a beautiful pattern, I couldn’t help but slip my hand. Now, of course, I have to make good use of the colored paper. Share the process of origami flowers. It's actually not difficult to make a flower, and the effect is super good. There is an advanced version later. Friends who have a lot of colored paper in their hands can try it together!

Whether it is a holiday or a normal home decoration, as long as you put a paper flower arrangement, the temperament will immediately float out ~ follow the steps together, and come to a flower that belongs to you! 🌸

Of course, if you think it's a rare holiday, but you've been staying at home because of the rainy days and you're in a bad mood, then give yourself a paper flower too! I wish you in front of the screen to have a good mood blooming like a flower every day~💕

The content of this teaching handout is organized and produced by Miracle|Miracle Broadcasting. The source of pictures and texts is Miracle itself, there is no copyright problem, please feel free to use it~
The handout has a total of three pages (two pages in the basic version + one page in the advanced version), because the website will compress the pictures a bit when uploading images. Contact Email: miraclewu000@gmail.com to get the full version of the handout for free~ Thank you!
The first page of handouts.
The second page of handouts.
Contents of the third page of the handout.

The above is Miracle's sudden private origami teaching sharing, all the steps to make paper flowers~ Huahua is really beautiful~ Have you made your own flowers? Let's share the happiness energy together! After finishing it, you will feel a sense of accomplishment and happiness 😆💗

While making paper flowers, I like to play some light music while making a hot cup of tea and set it aside. The process of meditating and crafting is actually the time we spend with ourselves, and being alone with ourselves should be a very happy and enjoyable thing. I hope that through this paper flower, everyone can enjoy this pleasant hand-making time together~

I'm Miracle, thank you for reading, see you next time~🥰

A quiet and leisurely afternoon. Another pot of tea is a happy afternoon 😊

 ※The release date of this article: 2022/06/11, adapted from the article of the same name published in Pathfinder on 2020/12/20. Simultaneously posted on FB, Matters, and Square.
※The copyright of the pictures and texts is reserved. Those who want to reprint must inform them in advance, and the infringement must be investigated.

【About my haunting place】
✨Handout index : FB|IG|Matters|Vocus|Youtube
✨Contact Email: miraclewu000@gmail.com

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Miracle|奇蹟放送所生命本身即是奇蹟。這裡放送屬於奇蹟的故事,我是Miracle。雜學家。疾病帶我找回自己,邀請你一同參與,療癒生命的旅程。 ✨ 奇蹟放送所出沒處:https://linktr.ee/miraclewu000 ✨ 聯絡信箱:miraclewu000@gmail.com
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