investment destination

To invest, you need to know where you want to go, your destination (target).

If you agree that investing is ultimately about investing in yourself and achieving yourself, then investing is simple, because it is much easier for you to understand yourself than to understand the economy, stock market, finance, virtual currency, NFT, etc.

Since it is important to invest in yourself, it is easy to achieve your goals if you think about what returns, growth, and achievements you want to have.

I have seen someone write that investing is like going to a destination (goal).

I want to go to Japan, you want to go to France, he wants to go to America, everyone wants to go to different places and different destinations.

So, to invest, you must know where you want to go, your destination (target) .

When you know where you want to go, you can start planning how to get to your destination.

Anyone who has ever traveled knows that to go to the same place, some people take transportation, some people walk, some people travel independently or join a tour group, this is the way to reach the destination (investment method).

There is not necessarily only one method, there may be several, for example, by means of transportation, you can take planes, trains, buses, taxis, etc. There are restrictions or time-limited, you may need to transfer, or change modes of transportation, It is as if you have an investment objective (destination), choose stocks for investment (method), and use a mobile APP to buy and sell (investment tool).

Travel can be with a group, self-guided tour, go quickly, go slowly, change the destination in the middle, there are many situations. Or maybe you went to the wrong place, couldn't find the place you wanted to go, or even disappeared.

But before you use any means of transportation, at least you need to know if it will get you where you want to go, just as you need to know what your investment vehicle can help you achieve.

During the journey, you may have to switch to other means of transportation. The plane only takes you to the airport. You have to switch to trains, taxis, or drive or walk to reach the real destination.

Also, be aware that investment vehicles may only achieve some, but not all, of your goals. You have to add other investment tools to achieve your real goals.

Sometimes, you just want to go to a place, but there is no plan, no action, and of course you will never get there.

Sometimes, I have already confirmed to go there, but I don't know what means of transportation to take, and the result is that I can't get to the destination.

Sometimes, when I see other people's tourist destinations are beautiful, I really want to go, but if I don't plan my own itinerary, I can't go there, only envy.

If your investment goal is money, 10 million, then you have to choose investment methods and tools. As you want to go to a destination a thousand kilometers away, is it on foot, by car, by boat, by plane, or what?

Sometimes, if you really don’t know how to plan your itinerary, there are really many ways to join a tour group, buy a travel book for reference, ask travel experts for advice, go online for help, etc.

Sometimes, if you really don’t know how to invest, take investment courses, buy an investment book for reference, ask investment experts for advice, go online for help, etc. There are many ways.

Therefore, if investing is ultimately about investing in yourself and achieving yourself, then you must understand yourself and your goals before you can plan how to invest and use those investment tools.

Of course, travel can be unexpected, even dangerous, and investment is the same, that's another topic.


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