Chaos Daily Essay|Vivian

HJ|Chaos to Cosmos
Although some people pass us by, they leave an irreplaceable track in our hearts, which makes us unable to find him in the crowd.

write in front

This article is a running account, and I thought about it for a long time before writing it: Should I write about such a personal matter? Is there a one-in-a-thousand possibility that that person hooked up with me again and saw that I wrote these words for him. Did he leave silently like last time?

Then I remembered that I still couldn't stop thinking of this "field of vision" mode of thinking, simulating seeing my own words from a perspective other than the first person. Especially the more I care about the person, the more I can't stop trying to observe the world through his eyes and savor every moment of joy and sorrow from his breath.

So this time I decided to be a little more selfish and only consider how my own feelings were being confided in. Slip away as if you left no trace or notice, walk back into the embrace of the crowd, and regain your freedom. After all, I still long to enjoy life from your exclusive eyes.


I wrote a short article on the previous platform, and I am also writing about the encounter with him that I recalled in a midnight dream. It's just that the article also mentioned another friend with V in the same name, and this person is still in contact with me. However, the other V, which passed me by, left an irreplaceable track in our hearts, making us unable to find him in the crowd.

About a year ago at this time, a third-year student who was uneasy about his future career and was bracing himself to prepare for the postgraduate examination, and a freshman who had just graduated from university for a year, could not stand the various challenges in the workplace. Pretending to be pretentious, and the fact that after a student life must be filled with work.

The two of them, also from Ganghu, Taipei, met in a different place, and the two lonely travelers happened to see each other in a second-hand bookstore in Lugang. There is no prearrangement, and no reason to explain this unique encounter, and there is a guarantee for the flow of people to come and go.

stay in the past

I stayed for more than ten minutes at the bookstore I happened to pass by during the trip, and I was no longer alone for the next ten hours of travel. His name is Vivian, and he is another traveler other than me that I met in another place. When I met him for the first time, who had temporarily disconnected from society through travel, I thought I was going to start acting like I was going to start acting up again, but I didn't expect that the chatter would not stop.

The first time I met a man I knew for less than an hour, but it allowed me to talk about all the trajectories of my life in the past 20 years, and it also allowed me to listen to him. After more than a year of starting work, it seems that he has already paid for the next step in advance. The melancholy and irritability of more than ten years of youth.

It is not rare for me to travel alone and you to walk alone in a strange environment, but the most difficult encounter between you and me has already been accomplished.

All the coincidences and inexplicable speculations of the two people are after the end of the trip, and the story does not come to an end. A day trip to exile myself, in exchange for more than a month to find my own rhythm, is indeed a good deal. The two who returned to their respective lives often met in the middle of the night, groping in the dark to find each other's tracks, but they could find them every time.

It was the first time I met such a person. He once described the interaction between the two as very much like wandering in the starry sky together. The shining stars in the vast universe are not as good as the eyes of the heart. I still remember that it was my first time. Once I recommended my private band to him, and he felt the moment after listening to it.

Future of Forestry - You

The story came to a close after I invited him to the special event of my church for the first time. After the message was not read for more than two weeks and read more than a month later, I knew that these Chances can only be left in the memories of the exclusive past.

He seemed to understand all the small talk as me "preparing for the mission", but he didn't know that I was just trying to get a People who are getting to know me better have just entered the field that affects me the most.

"This is a journey, a vast journey called destiny. We meet by chance, and then leave, on this road that will never return."

This "Journey" says everything I want to say, but I like this version better than the original song.

We don't say goodbye, we say see you on the road.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

HJ|Chaos to Cosmos我們不說再見,我們在路上見| 多感善愁、哲思玄想與永遠拒絕政治正確的小天地 Chaos意即混亂、混沌,Cosmos代表規律、秩序的宇宙 寫作,對我而言,便是從雜多當中找回理解與共感的可能
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