Marvel, Disney fans come here! Disney+ has also become the target of fraudulent groups. Watching movies smartly will not be deceived. Common Disney+ fraud methods are public!

There are many die-hard fans of Marvel and Disney. After the launch of Disney+, everyone subscribed to Disney+ in a group; however, the gangsters took the opportunity to use Disney+ as a fraud tool. What exactly is the Disney+ fraud case, and how to avoid it? This article will take you to analyze common Disney+ scams!
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We know that pirated video sites may be closely related to fraud. Fraud experts have previously written articles to discuss the fraud risks related to pirated sites.

Please refer to: The largest domestic video and audio piracy website was seized by the police. Do you know what the pirated website has to do with "fraud"?

So it's okay for me to spend money on Disney+ to support the genuine version, right? wrong! Disney+ gets scammed too!
There have been many Netflix scams before, but recently there have also been some scams using Disney+ as an excuse. Now let’s take a look at the two most common types of Disney+ scams:

The first Disney+ scam: group scams

There are many people who will post on PTT and Dcard about group buying Disney+, but there are also many postings that are considered to be suspicious. One of them has been determined to be a money fraud under the guise of a joint purchase. Please refer to the news .

The gangsters solicited netizens to jointly purchase the Disney+ family plan through PTT and other channels, and used a slightly lower amount to attract the public to pay; the gangsters did provide a set of Disney+ account passwords to the parties, but after logging in, they found that they could not be used at all! Because the US version of the account purchased by the gangster only costs $2,200 a year, and has sold the account secret to more than 7 people, so in addition to being too many users to use, the screen of the app for those who have logged in is also stuck in "It seems that you are traveling. ” screen and cannot be viewed.

Image source: TIME News

In the well-known audio and video platform Netflix, there has also been a problem that the victim cannot use the account after purchasing the account on the Internet. One victim purchased a set of Netflix accounts at a price of $1170/year through social software, but one or two After a month, this group of accounts will be unavailable, and such a fraudulent method is likely to be concocted into Disney+.

Remind the public that PTT, Facebook, and LINE are not formal shopping platforms, and private transactions are prone to risks. Please shop directly through legitimate channels such as the official website.

There may be disputes if you find a friend to make a purchase, not to mention the strange netizens you know on the social platform?

If you encounter Disney+ group fraud, please report it to the police immediately, but don’t let the fraud group go unpunished just because you think it’s only a small amount!

Disney+ Scam Model 2: Phishing Links

Being defrauded of money is already miserable, but if the deceived is personal capital, I am afraid it is even more difficult. See: What is an asset?

Some unscrupulous elements will create phishing websites, disguise the webpage as a Disney+ video streaming platform, and then use the guise of asking people to apply for an account, in order to steal people's personal information and payment information.

There have been recent cases abroad, where criminals disguised as Disney+ membership services, sent a letter to inform Disney+ users that their accounts had suspicious login activities, and attached a link asking people to enter their personal information to re-authenticate their accounts.

Image source: MetaCompliance

Or the gangsters will use other communication software such as Facebook Messenger to spread the word, claiming that as long as they help fill out the questionnaire, they can get a free trial for two months, attracting people who are interested in Disney+, and attaching a link to ask for their personal information. Not only that, after the public handed over their personal information, they also asked the public to share this link with 20 relatives and friends before they could try it out, invisibly spreading unfamiliar links to more people.

These fake links to the Disney+ website are all phishing links. In addition to the possibility of personal information being stolen, the equipment used is at risk of being implanted with viruses!

What are the dangers of phishing links? See:

A new type of phishing site! Watching fake movies online is actually stealing the line account and telling you how to crack it!

Did you receive the text message "Estimated delivery. Please confirm the address" "The package has been dispatched. Please check it in time"?

cash on delivery? Fishing Newsletter? Fraud packages are too arrogant! Full analysis of fraudulent package types and cracking methods

In such incidents, people are easily tricked into clicking because the format and layout of the emails and links are fake!

If you encounter such a message, please do not click on any link attached to the email, but double-check the linked information. If necessary, you can also enter the official website from a search engine to avoid phishing traps by mistake.

You can also pass the link to anti-fraud experts , and identify whether it is a phishing link in one second!

There are hundreds of audio and video streaming platforms, no matter which one it is, you must be careful when you purchase the right to use it or receive any link on the Internet. Doubt and verify at any time, so that the drama will not become a tragedy.

Comprehensive Fraud Prevention Toolkit:


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