I am in quarantine in Shanghai [Day 12/14] - First contact with the outside world on the day of collection and inspection


Yesterday, I was looking forward to the nucleic acid test ( https://matters.news/@jerome/I am in quarantine in Shanghai [Day 11/14] - Nucleic acid test ), and I finished writing the article, finished the meal, and read the magazine again. Ben, finally found out that the hotel service staff made an oolong. It was the wrong time!

Just finished the nucleic acid test. It's worth sharing what you've seen and heard:

Neighbors across from pitch black

On Day 11 of Oolong, when the lunch box was delivered at noon, I saw the transfer chair on the opposite side in a blink of an eye. Except for the lunch just delivered, even the breakfast had not been brought into the room. When I took breakfast in the morning, I happened to open the door with the other party at the same time, only to see the neighbor on the opposite side sticking his head out from the dark room through the crack of the door, with messy hairstyle and sleepy expression, as if he did not know what was going on in the outside world. ~

After returning to the room, while arranging and preparing breakfast, while brewing coffee, I was imagining what the isolation life of the neighbors on the opposite side would be like? Do you watch TV in bed every day except for bathing, going to the toilet, and eating? Or constantly sleeping? In this long two weeks, everyone will have their own way to get through, but even with a careful plan, it may not be able to resist the inherent inertia and habits.

My daily method has also been shared before. Basically, I get up earlier than the temperature measurement plan at 7 am every day, then open the blackout curtains and open the windows for ventilation. However, like most people, sometimes they will be out of energy, and they may fall back to bed for a quarter of an hour after breakfast. A big bed in the activity space is really a big terrifying magnet~

Seeing a different scene for the first time

Immediately after breakfast, knocks on the door broke the quiet corridor of the isolation hotel, only to hear the staff outside shouting one by one, "Do the test! Do the test!"

When it's your turn to open the door, paste a handwritten serial number, room number and name, and the staff guides you to the door. It was the first time in 12 days that he had walked this far from the door. At the end of the corridor, another staff member checked the ID card, handed over a pre-attached sampling test tube and certificate, and continued onwards. Walking out of the gate, it was divided into two passages on the left and right. Another staff member instructed to go out on the left, and walked along a passage that had been deliberately closed so that it was impossible to leave, and walked to the detection area about 200 meters away. There are security guards "monitoring" at both ends of the way. After all, it is possible to worry about whether this group of people who have been "closed" for so long will be out of control...

This 200-meter road, you can see the face of the hotel on the other side, and another hotel next to this hotel, it seems that it is also used for epidemic prevention. On the other side of the road, a brand new green barbed wire was also used for isolation. Outside the barbed wire, it looked like another hotel. For fear that the outside world would accidentally "break into" the control area, it was also physically blocked.


After turning around, you see a row of blue tents. For example, during music festivals in the past, there were six tents provided to food stalls or creative stalls. Following the design flow, confirm the serial number, identity, and inspection tube again, and then wait for your turn to enter. Go to the tent for inspection. Before and after the inspection interval, there will be another staff member holding a disinfection sprayer to continuously perform disinfection actions back and forth.

In the process of waiting in line, it was also the first time I saw the "same ladder" partners. It turned out that 19 people were sent on the same ladder in one car. After layer-by-layer distribution, they may go home for isolation or transfer to Jiangsu and Zhejiang for subsequent isolation. There are now about 10 people. Because I have been in the room for a long time, it is difficult to perceive the temperature outside through a small window, so it may be 13 or 14 degrees outside during the inspection, but many people on the same ladder walked out in shorts and slippers, and I saw everyone holding their arms Warm, thinking about going back to the warm room after a quick finish.

The inspection this time is different from the one at the airport. The first one is collected from the mouth. It will ask you to make an "ah" sound to lower your tongue for sampling. The test taker will wipe the throat with the test stick, and it will be over quickly. Then I disassembled another sampling stick, raised my head, and took the test from one side of the nose, which was also completed very quickly. This is different from the airport, and it is estimated that there are differences in the training received by each sampler. They will not leave the sampler stick in the nose and rotate it a few times before pulling it out.

So, it's over soon! After standing up, I reluctantly said goodbye to the external environment and went back to the room.

After the test is completed, the next step is to wait for the release notice (provided that the test result is negative, of course). This 14-day period is coming to an end~ I can walk around outside on a sunny but a little chilly morning. Although I am under strict supervision, I can be regarded as a relaxed and happy change of mood.


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Jerome連續兩年寫作不間斷,可以稍微自稱是個「文字堆砌人」。曾於多領域任職與創業,帶隊完成金氏世界紀錄項目挑戰。現音樂產業 x 文化活動產業與夢想家共同追逐獨角獸中。
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