Read ★Doll Valley - pierce your beautiful imagination

Valley of Dolls, American classic literature, Amazon recommended books.

Books from the 1966s, I can't stop from opening the first page, it's not a Hollywood happy ending or a good guy pays off and a bad guy dies tragically. This is Apocalypse Now for me. It will be uncomfortable to read, a very realistic female-oriented storybook, not too romantic, but like a real event with bloody life. There are three protagonists in the story, one is a woman from the country, with beautiful eyes and a very positive outlook. The first half of the story is smooth sailing, and the later part is the heartbreak and struggle of maintaining a mask of peace in a broken marriage. One is a star who lied about his age. In order not to be discovered, as long as there is a way to maintain his beauty, he is willing to try it. He uses beauty in exchange for money, and starts with men carefully. All of this is attributed to his mother's education. There is also a talented young actor who strives to climb to the peak of acting but has the problem of emotional control. He is a lunatic that people love and hate, and the ending can be considered heroic. They have one thing in common, they all use a sleeping pill called Doll Valley when they are in pain.

But can pain really be covered up?

The whole book is full of descriptions of drug addiction, plastic surgery, abortion, affairs, various sexual relations, etc. Any one of these issues was a big shock to American society at that time. Caused a wave of criticism in the society, the author also wrote an article "My book is not dirty", which includes this paragraph:

 Good fiction speaks the truth, and the real situation doesn't always fit in nicely packaged. The characters in the Valley of the Dolls are real people, not Superman or Supergirl. They have flaws and weaknesses. Some would be hit hard or seriously injured in combat. What I'm revealing is the blood clot that comes with the inner war. difficulty? That's right! brutal? That's right! Not dirty at all, though.

These plots have no sense of disobedience in today's society, and they also face many choices and debates about values. Sometimes we are not as good as we think we are. We have a dark side, we have scheming, and we have desires, depending on how much we are willing to admit. Society's expectations of women remain shackled. Many external physical conditions are also imposed on men. Women do have many advantages that allow us to LEVEL UP through marriage, but men are not fools! Masquerade couples, affair and betrayal are more than you think. It's just what aspect you usually see and whether you have jumped out of the stratosphere to understand it.

Many times when I read the protagonists in books, I want to shake them to wake them up. [ Your persistence is the way to hurt yourself the most.

After reading it, I took a deep breath, what is love? What is marriage? What is the ego? What is right again? What is wrong again? Status, status and wealth, what proportion of life should be occupied? It's really a chain of philosophical questions.

I hope that our lives do not need to be so stormy and out of control, only to know that stable companionship and mutual honest trust are more important than status and money.

Really recommend this book!

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