"How does LINE send red envelopes to get a bank account?" 🥳🎉Or "How to prevent receiving fake red envelopes🧧"?

Hello everyone, first of all, let me share a new function of Line. You can send red packets to groups by message🧧, or send red packets to friends by private message. However, the new function of red packets of Line pay has been abused by fake and fraudulent groups. Finally, I will tell you about it. How can we prevent encountering fake official LINE red packets? The best way is not to click on unknown URLs.

[Contents Index]

The interpretation of the above information is actually based on the official LINE information.

 1. The correct way to send red envelopes with Line pay 2. Use LINE communication software to send red envelopes?
3. How do we check the red envelopes our friends have given us after receiving the red envelopes? 4. Where are the red envelope funds? How to withdraw the red envelope to the bank account?
5. For LINE PAY’s fee-free withdrawal banks, please refer to the list on LINE PAY’s official website.

✅The correct way to send red packets with Line pay

For Apple users, please download the genuine LINE APP from the STOTR store, and for Android users, please download and install "Genuine LINE" from the PLAY store.

Image source: STORE store https://apps.apple.com/tw/app/line/id443904275

Send red packets using LINE messaging software?

1. First, you must go to the Store or PLAT store to download and install the genuine "LINE PAY"

2. You must apply for a LINE PAY account, and go to the LINE communication software, click "Wallet", click "LINE PAY", click "Register Card", and finally bind the credit card or China Trust financial card to LINE PAY to successfully set up the online " mobile payment".

⚠️Remember not to disclose your personal LINE PAY account password to others to avoid being used by people with intentions.

A brief description is as follows:

For detailed teaching, please refer to LINE official blog how to register card teaching

Image source LINE official wallet screen
Image source LINE official wallet screen

Image source LINE official wallet screen

3. For private one-to-one red envelopes, please click "Homepage | Friends" to enter the chat object you want to receive red envelopes and enter the "chat room"

For multiple people to grab red envelopes, please click the "group" you want to send red envelopes to enter the "chat room" XD

⚠️Please be careful to prevent people with intentions, do not pay too much money to strangers you have never met XDD

4. After entering the chat room, please click ↙️"+" in the lower left corner

5. Select "Red Packet"

6. Enter the amount of red envelope you want to send out XD

⚠️Chat friends who can send red envelopes:

1. Have a LINE PAY account

2. LINE chat friends, LINE groups (note that there is no way for the community)

3. The minimum red envelope is 1 yuan, the maximum? The total amount of your LINE PAY account cannot exceed 10,000 yuan, and it can never exceed 100,000 yuan! For details, please refer to the official LINE!

5. The other party in the chat only needs to click "Open" the red envelope you sent. If the other party has opened the "red envelope", we want to check whether the other party has received the red envelope, please click "Check the red envelope status" to send the red envelope smoothly!

⚠️ Within three days, as long as the other party opens the red envelope, "the red envelope cannot be returned", unless you send a message to remind the other party not to receive the wrong red envelope within three days. LINE will refund the red envelope to the original red envelope within three days. Our LINE PAY XD

After grabbing the red envelope display screen, we only need to open the red envelope to receive the other party's heart, red envelope 🧧

If the other party opens the red envelope, LINE will send the opened red envelope screen

And it will show the red envelope record. LINE will congratulate friends to grab the red envelope XD

In order to confirm whether your friend has received your red envelope, you can click on the blue font at the bottom of the red envelope "View red envelope status"

It can be seen that if the red envelope record is opened, it will show that it has been opened, and if it is not opened, it will show that it has not been opened XD

Supplement: "If you haven't registered for a LINE PAY account", it means that you send a red envelope to a friend, but you can't send it out, it will show that the friend "has not registered LIPNE PAY Money" XDD

"⚠️ Warn again not to send red envelopes to strangers who have not registered LINE PAY" to avoid being framed by people with intentions

After receiving the red envelope, how do we check the red envelopes that our friends have added to us? How to withdraw the red envelope to the bank account?

1. Please go to Line and click "Wallet" below, and open "LINE PAY"

3. Go to "One Card Money"

4. Enter your LINE PAY password🤫

5. Slide to the bottom of the many functions "Account History"

You can see the "income" and "expenditure" records of the red envelopes. The official LINE official will help us record the red envelopes, time and date!

So how do we get the red envelopes 🤔 received? Please click "Withdraw" as shown in the picture below

Choose which bank or post office you need to withdraw the red envelope to with no handling fee, and remember to add a new bank account setting in advance (do not give the account password to others)

Please refer to the list of LINE PAY official website for the LINE PAY fee-free withdrawal banks

The above is the genuine LINE PAY red envelope method. Remember not to be deceived by the unofficial method of fake LINE PAY red envelope!

Please also be careful of the latest scams.

Prevent being scammed by fake LINE PAY Latest news news reports:

The following screenshots are reproduced from the China Times News report:

She received LINE thousand yuan red envelope "a little surprise is a scam", experts reveal dark tactics


The following picture URL is taken from: TVBS News Network " Be careful! It has been revealed on the Internet that "LINE starts construction and the red envelopes are fraudulent" 5,000 people are afraid of being recruited "


After reading these two articles about LINE PAY's latest fraudulent methods of sending red envelopes:

Fraud method: The fraudulent group used the official name of LINE to send unfamiliar messages to users who have LINE. If the user clicks on the red envelope of unknown origin from a strange account, they will be directed to join their fake LINE group. It is required that this red envelope information must be shared with five friends. If you click on this fake red envelope, I am afraid that many users will have their personal information stolen from LINE PAY Bank, so I appeal to the public not to click on the unknown LINE red envelope.

How to prevent? After reading the Taiwan Fact-Checking Center, I will take a look at the key points and share my experience directly with you.

Reference source for the following prevention skills: Taiwan Fact-Checking Center, the experience is written by myself:

1. Please be careful and do not click on the URL link of strange red envelope pictures sent to us by strangers and friends!

2. The genuine LINE red envelopes are sent out as shown in the teaching above, and it is impossible to import into strange communities. We need to share them with five friends.

3. The resolution of the pirated LINE red envelope picture is abnormally blurred and unclear

4. The corporate account of the LINE official account is a green shield, and the LINE official certified account is a blue shield, not a fake gray shield account

5. To determine whether it is an official LINE event, please refer to the LINE PAY official website. If there is no news on the official website, it means that it is a fake fraud. In addition to identifying the LINE official account, you must identify the standard color of the LINE official account shield. Please refer to the page. Four o'clock

Image taken from LINE PAY official website

This article is simultaneously published on [ Potota ], thank you for stopping by and reading it carefully, I am very grateful.


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