I was in the cabin and saw the old people survive on the island


On April 17, 2022, Shanghai set the goal of clearing all zeros on the 20th, and temporarily issued a policy of "collect all receivables". After 10 days of yang and turning to yin, I was also on the transfer list for that batch. The neighborhood committee sent me a WeChat message and told me that there was no way, and even the disabled would have to be transported away with the temporary order.

"Even the disabled must be transported away"

At the time, I didn't realize what was behind these six words. Until we came to the square cabin in person, we witnessed 95-year-old people who had just had tumor surgery, people who had a stroke and couldn't go to the toilet with wheelchairs, severely paralyzed people with twitching limbs, people who could only lie in bed and couldn't stand, because of lack of Medicines make people who lose consciousness and become blind...

We can no longer close our eyes and pretend that the real world doesn't exist. We must see and hear, in one after another four-character policy, behind a series of cold numbers. Those neglected lives, neglected individuals, neglected dignity.

Can't die in vain.

pd is a friend I met in a Shanghai epidemic watch group. He lives on Xinhua Road. After being diagnosed with the new crown on the 4th, the 11th entered the cabin and the 20th left the cabin, and stayed for nearly ten days in total. On April 21, 2022, I was in the Wanti Fangcang in Xuhui, and I remotely connected with him in the Changning Fangcang, and chatted with him about the living conditions of the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled in the Fangcang. Many thanks for his first-hand account.

The following is the edited text. The podcast can be listened to by searching for "The rest of my life is a holiday" on major platforms. You can also click to listen at the top of the article.

1. The basic living conditions of the cabin

hayami 03:17 How about eating and drinking in your cabin?

pd 03:28 If you eat it, you must be nutritious. We are full here, you can apply for extra meals. It is seven to seven thirty in the morning, eleven thirty at noon, and six in the afternoon. We don't have to have a uniform. Every time we have a cart, we will deliver all the meals from house to house. It's really a good job. He will deliver it to you when you sleep, and he will definitely give you chopsticks and rice. you.

(The volley cabin where the pd is located)

hayami 04:51 That's right, it's quite different from our side. All our volunteers are sending out, and there are no carts. Everyone will carry a big pile of rice and go to send one by one. How do you guys go to the bathroom here and stuff like that?

pd 05:09 Start to poke the sore spot. Our men's bathroom is a little better, but interviewed girls, the women's bathroom is really very difficult. Originally there were 4, but one was unable to flush, and the other was leaking dirty water from the top, and the floor was all wet, so it was equivalent to two and a half toilets. About 150 people use two and a half toilets, and the queue is often more than ten meters outside the toilet. Originally, girls were slower than boys, and two of them were completely unusable, so they had to flush themselves. Every time you line up, you have to bring a washbasin there to collect water. And everyone can't take a bath, there is no place to take a bath here. Some people, for example, there are some uncles, they don't care about privacy very much, they just go to a corner, and just wipe there without taking off their clothes. For girls, this is definitely not the case. For girls, they will basically go to the private room of the toilet to wipe their bodies.

hayami 08:39 This is quite different from ours. We are a 1000-body square cabin. The bathroom in the museum has been closed, and it was specially built outside with blue color. There are no toilets, only squatting pits, which are very small, the kind you would temporarily set up in the wild when you go to a concert.

pd 09:11 It would be nice if we had toilets here. Some old people have arthritis and he can't squat down. I think that because we are a commercial building, the renovation of the commercial building has certain advantages. It is a standardized office environment to be transformed.

2. Elderly people who cannot go to the bathroom

hayami 09:44 That's good, we can only use those special temporary structures here. Therefore, for the elderly, especially some stroked elderly people pushing wheelchairs, and those over 70 years old, firstly, they cannot go up the steps, and secondly, they cannot squat down at all.

Something happened yesterday. We are both male and female cabins, and then I was in the female cabin, and I heard someone say that there is a man in the female cabin to urinate on the spot. The girls around were very excited and went to the Fangcang theory. Then I was very angry when I heard this, you can simply sum it up as a man urinating on the spot in the women's cabin. So I went to find out. After I learned about the situation and the details, I was even more angry, and quite sad.

The thing is like this, it is an old man of about seventy or eighty years old. He had a stroke, and his legs and feet were inconvenient. After a stroke, he was transported here and in a wheelchair. I photographed him pushing the wheelchair to talk to the nurse station in the shelter that morning, but I didn't hear what he said in detail, and I thought later that he might be reporting on the bathroom problem.

Because there are steps in the bathroom there, his wheelchair will definitely not be able to go up. Secondly, he couldn't squat down after a stroke. The toilet was a squat pit, and he couldn't use it at all. After he couldn't use it, he went to theory, and it was of no use.

(On the morning of the first day, I saw the old man talking at the nurse's desk)

Because he often goes to the hospital and is more experienced, he always brings something like a urinal when he goes out. This time it was also because he often went to the hospital, so he gained experience and brought a urinal after arriving in the cabin. He actually tried the toilet, but after he squatted down, he couldn't stand up again. After he couldn't stand up, he had to call his lover to call the medical staff to help him. Then you know that the old man in Shanghai is actually more self-respecting and decent, and thinks this is not good.

hayami 12:07 So then we argued over there, and we got him a simple, temporary toilet similar to a disabled person. In fact, it is a plastic stool, put it diagonally; there will be a hole when you put it diagonally, and a basin will be placed under it. You can sit on that hole, which is actually not very useful.

3. The blind old man after coming to the square cabin

pd 13:03

We've run into a more dangerous one here.

One night when I was working, my office was about 10 meters away from the men's toilet. Then suddenly I saw three or four security guards coming with an old man. He couldn't walk at all, and he was blind when he fumbled with his hands.

Then he came over and stayed in the toilet for about 20 minutes. The security guard kept watching him, afraid that he would faint. As a result, he couldn't walk at all the next day. Then he wanted to go to the toilet, and he was already a little confused.

There are a few things that suggest he's blurry. The first is that four or five of us finally took him directly to the toilet with the bed. He couldn't stand, so he sat on the toilet, and he touched the wall between the toilets. His wife said that because they had a handrail at home, he thought he was at home and wanted to hold the handrail, but he couldn't feel it, and he couldn't express it.

One more thing. It's because he often points with his right hand to his left, and he says I call 110 and he wants to make a call. Really very worrying. And when he came in, he actually didn't have these conditions, like a normal old man. As a result, because there was no medicine, the blood pressure in the eyes was very, very high, which led to a sudden blindness, not like a conscious person at all.

(The old man who was blind and confused after coming to the cabin, used his hand as a mobile phone to make a call)

pd 15:05 Then anyway, through the power of the masses, he was finally sent to the hospital, and the crowd gathered to build momentum. Then the leader finally sent him to the hospital not because the old man was seriously ill, but because he wanted to calm down the situation. There would be such a thing. Anyway, we were all scared to death at the time.

hayami 15:26 Does he want to calm things down means you have some people watching?

pd 15:32 Some people were watching, and it was filmed and exposed on the Internet. At this time, because he was already very different from the state he had just arrived in, he didn't feel like a person at all. And his wife has not slept all night, so she can't take care of him at all. Many very good and enthusiastic people are already so angry that they must give an explanation. Then at this time, the doctors and nurses really saw something wrong, so they reported it to the leader. Then I don't know who the leader finally made the decision to find 120 quickly. In the end, although they went too, they were out of danger, and they were more conscious, at least they would fight. The phone knew that he was already in the hospital.

hayami 16:22 But isn't this kind of reversible? If his blood pressure has caused blindness.

pd 16:33 And what's even weirder is the reason he came. The reason why he came to the cabin was that he had an acute laser eye when he went home. I got in touch with someone. They didn't have any channels, so I finally got in touch with someone and sent them to the hospital to see them. The doctor is also very good. He came from home. On April 2, it was sealed. The doctor came from home to show them. After reading the results, the doctor felt that the risk control was about to be lifted (Note: Puxi was originally scheduled to be unblocked on April 5), and said that I will not prescribe too much of your medicine, and you can prescribe it again when the time comes. . It turned out to be used up very quickly, and not only did they run out, they also found that they had returned to Yang after going to the hospital. After Yang, they came to the cabin. The whole process was very scary.

hayami 17:19 How old are they?

pd 17:21 They look about 65 years old.

hayami 17:24 How long did it take him from the beginning of the attack to the last time he was removed?

pd 17:30 The attack occurred at 8 pm on the first day, it left at 8 or 9 am on the third day, and the transfer took 1.5 days.

pd 17:46 But there's something more terrifying, and I'm going to talk briefly. A couple came the night before yesterday, both around 85 years old. Then firstly, they didn't get a single shot, and secondly, the wife hasn't had the new crown, and her wife is a little lame in one leg and has high blood pressure. Her wife was called by CDC to say that you were positive and that she had to come.

Then I said come to the hospital, and it turned out that it was not a hospital. His wife is still yin, but because his wife came to take care of his wife, it is possible that his wife will also get the new crown.

Both of them have very inconvenient mobility. After they came, they were all new positive patients, and all of them were Xinyang in the past few days. Obviously the two of them should go to the hospital, but they came to the cabin. I can predict what will happen later, this old aunt will basically be infected. Hope they get through it smoothly. But I totally don't understand why they are here.

4. Severely disabled people in the cabin

hayami 19:31 I also saw a lot of this, and I thought, God, how can he appear in this kind of person. How many disabled people have you seen?

pd 19:43 I met a very severely disabled person. First of all, he can't speak, and secondly, he can't walk. He is in a wheelchair, and his limbs are often twitching, and then he frequently shows twisted expressions. Fortunately, he had three family members with him. And he's an orphan, actually his brother and wife are taking care of him all the time.


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