Winning the job search | The interview for "Summer Internship" starts from the issuance of the invitation letter!

Recently, I was recruiting summer interns and found that most of them couldn’t read it. Otherwise, they could reply in a canned way. Isn’t there a better way to reply? Come, let's chat!
Image source: Drawing by Stone Brother; photo taken from Pexels

Winning the job search | The interview for "Summer Internship" starts from the issuance of the invitation letter!

Courage is one of the most important qualities of human beings. If you have courage, you will naturally have other qualities of human beings. — Churchill

"About Summer Internships"
As usual, before the winter and summer vacations, our company will open to recruit more than 20 junior, senior and first-year interns, so that they can stay close to the front line and understand the current situation of the semiconductor industry; let them get close to the supervisor and understand the skills of operation and management , and even formulated a series of courses, I was afraid that they would not learn anything.

Questions to think about: Do you want to trade time for money for your summer internship? Or use time to get things more valuable than money?

◖Training Program◗
❶ ❘ Online training❘ : Quickly understand the semiconductor industry ❷ ❘ Freshman workshop❘ : Learn how to manage a personal brand and career❸ ❘ Participate in unit projects ❘ : Learn by doing, learn to use and continue to connect ❹ ❘ CEO thinking book club❘ : Cultivate innovation and digital thinking ❺ ❘ CSR project practice❘ : Learn cross-departmental communication and integration ❻ ❘ Inter-departmental experience exchange❘: Understand organizational division of labor and the operation of each department ❽ ❘ Results Presentation ❘: You are the future rookie of semiconductors!

Image source: drawn by Shitou; photo taken from the recruitment interview of Mingxin University of Science and Technology

"Vacations, only for those with courage"
Due to the impact of the epidemic, we do not like to let students run this trip by boat and car, so we started the online interview mechanism. However, many students think that the "interview" starts from the HR notification and enters the WebEx video chat. In fact, you are really wrong. I believe you must have heard a story circulating on the Internet, that is, during the interview process, a candidate saw garbage on the ground, picked it up and threw it into the trash can, and he was accepted.

That's right, the interview really started when I sent out the invitation letter + SMS after I selected the CV of 1xx Human Bank.

As for why? What are the interpretations? Please see the analysis below!

1. Try not to fail to read:
You can of course not reply at all, but after you read it, it will be better to reply politely.
Because the database will record the messages you have been invited to, with the reasons and content of the refusal, it is better than those who do not reply. It's like entering the workplace, the supervisor's email has assigned a business, but you can't read it, what do you think the supervisor will do?

2. You can use "Canned Reply" as little as possible:
I often get emails from people who are interested in vacancies, but his responses are usually "canned responses". For example: I am interested in knowing the details of your company's vacancies; this answer is 80 points.

Now that you have replied, why not write a sentence or two? For example: I am Wang Datou, I am interested in this vacancy, do you know if it is convenient for me to contact you now? This answer has 90 points.

3. Find out the key points and make it clear in one sentence:
I really recommend you to read chapters 1-2 of the book "Expressing Your Eyes" , he will tell you: "I am interested in this position", what does this mean? Are you interested in job content? Or why would you be interested in such a job opening? You answered this question because you must have been interested in seeing my invitation to outline the content of the vacancy, so you responded immediately. Great, positive enough, but could it be more explicit?

If you can immediately read the introduction of the vacancies by 1xx Human Resources Bank when you receive the invitation letter, as well as the company's official website to compile your own opinions or questions, I believe you can ask more specific questions. For example: I am interested in learning ECRS in this vacancy. I think I can combine it with the project management skills I have learned to achieve synergy. I wonder if it is convenient for me to contact you now? This answer has 99 points.

A positive attitude leads to positive results because attitudes are contagious. - Jig. Jin Kara / famous American inspirational writer

Whether it's a summer internship, a winter internship, or even a formal job vacancy, I believe job vacancies are really for people with courage.
After we sent out the invitation letter, we began to understand your attitude as a person?
Are you positive enough?
Will you learn actively?
Will you actively explore the content of this job? ...wait wait wait.
If you don’t eat three meals a day, I sincerely hope that you don’t use your precious internship time just to exchange for hourly fees. You should exchange for more valuable treasures, right?
You are welcome to share your experience and opinions in the message area.

🔥Follow up, everyone secretly learned workplace skills, how many did you miss?

  1. Dazed? After graduation, what job will I be looking for?
  2. Stop and review | Let you in 5 years, thank you for being serious today!
  3. To develop an engineer, what professional knowledge should I have?
  4. Winning a job | As a fresh graduate, how do you rely on club experience to win?
  5. Winning a job search|How to prepare better for interviews with grassroots supervisors and oral presentations?

✅The next day of this article, it will be published in Brother Shishi's "Resource Integration Platform", a volunteer class assistant !


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