Weekly Music Recommendation (18)


laodan, jooklo duo - 啫啫Galaxy ZE ZE THE MILKY WAY

It's a LP from the Old Paradise Bookstore last year, it was a physical release at the time, and I saw the full version available on Bandcamp this morning.

Charles's Trio (Yang Ce Trio) - Personality Reflection 1

The jazz trio of the keyboardist Yang Ce group.

Anne-F Jacques, Bardo Todol, Chemiefaserwerk - Floating Tape

Experimental music released by Beijing Zoomin' Night.

David Bowie - Toy:box

The Bowie music copyright that Warner acquired last year is about to return to blood, everyone's wallet is ready!

the abyss inside us - circuits

Eiko Ishibashi - Drive My Car Original Soundtrack (with bonus tracks)

Everyone should watch the movie...

Finally, I hope you all stay healthy! Recently I saw that I, the label manager of Voidhanger Records , has been in the intensive care unit after contracting the new crown.


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