CoinEx Charity|Join the field of charity and promote fair education


Every child should have the right to an education, but the reality is that many children do not receive the quality education they deserve, and millions of children cannot go to school. Despite the remarkable growth in enrolment over the past 20 years, there are still 126 million children who drop out of school around the world, and the road to truly equitable and high-quality children's education is still full of challenges. CoinEx Charity hopes to raise public awareness of education equity through a series of donation programs, such as providing books, educational materials, tuition fees, etc., as well as implementing influential and strategic charitable activities.

In many poor areas, many children do not have the opportunity to receive education. Some children lack resources such as books and school uniforms, leading to educational backwardness or even dropping out of school without access to help; and some schools do not have enough teachers to provide the children there with a proper education. CoinEx Charity hopes to become an influential educational charity partner in the world, providing educational support for children in poverty-stricken areas, and is committed to enabling every child to receive high-quality and equal education, breaking the cycle of poverty and creating opportunities for children's future .

CoinEx Charity's public welfare education has 3 main directions:

1. Pay attention to disadvantaged groups of children and implement influential public welfare activities

In areas threatened by war, epidemic and poverty, millions of children face threats to their lives and education. CoinEx Charity will focus on disadvantaged children in various regions and provide education to children through charitable and public welfare activities. , distribute daily necessities, and provide cash assistance to children, calling on the society to pay more attention to vulnerable children.

2. Establish a charity cooperation network and find sustainable public welfare partnerships

In order to better popularize children's education around the world, CoinEx Charity will maintain and develop global cooperation with those charitable organizations with the same vision and influence, gather the power of global charity, and jointly contribute to public education. CoinEx Charity will cooperate with other charitable organizations in various forms, including funding, organizing public welfare projects, promoting public welfare projects, etc. CoinEx Charity is committed to long-term mutually beneficial cooperation, and organizes innovative and meaningful partnerships to jointly organize public welfare activities around the world.

CoinEx Charity believes that sincere cooperation can have a lasting impact, and through synergy, there is an opportunity to provide children with an equal learning environment around the world, giving them the opportunity to live a better life.

3. Raise social awareness of public welfare education

CoinEx Charity aims to promote the awareness of public welfare education in the whole society, through better use of educational resources among the poor, to promote more children to receive high-quality education, to promote reforms in the field of global education, and ultimately to enable children all over the world to enjoy Better education creates a better life.

Working together for equal education

Achieving educational equity is a long-term process that needs to be dealt with from a social perspective. CoinEx Charity and charitable organizations around the world will continue to work hard to provide a good environment for the life and education of children and teenagers, allowing them to have access to education. Education knows no borders or classes. CoinEx Charity hopes to create a world without "learning poverty" through the power of charity, so that all children can fully develop their potential in an equal and rich educational atmosphere, thereby promoting prosperity of society.


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