【Community Activities | Workplace Reassurance】Create a workplace war! me and me as a two-five boy

熊太先森|NFT 社群研究
Post-creation amnesia attacks, easy to forget, stuck drafts, unpopular, pressure surges before and after creation, blank head, reluctance to create, want to avoid manuscripts, headaches, sensitive skin, itching, etc. Broken. Warning: The following text, you may not be able to fully understand or remember because of the broken relationship. However, Ben Xiong wants you to read to the end, because there are some words that your subconscious mind needs to know.
In 2007, what Huang Zihua said in Dong Du Laugh - the bigger the wok, the happier, was probably broken.

In the creative workplace, am I still bad at writing?
Isn't the content rich enough? Why not attract more readers...

In the creative workplace, sometimes the biggest problem may not be with people, but with yourself.

In the face of "customer tastes", the situation of "good ones are rejected and bad ones go to the battlefield" may occur due to different values. At this time, how to adjust your mentality becomes an important part. On the way of writing, Ben Xiong was said by netizens at the beginning of his writing that "the work he wrote is too bad and has no value at all". At that time, he was greatly affected, but if he gave up at that time, he would not get the "you" from the editor of the publishing house now. The writing is very stable and beautiful” evaluation, the entry will not be shortlisted.

However, even professional and famous creators (also known as big hands) may not be able to handle every guest or work well. In the current trend of non-commercial commissioning and personal commissioning (attached with the notices for commissioning ), Ben Xiong has paid nearly 10,000 people to commission big hands or well-known creators, and because he commissioned character illustrations in his own works , so he also gave detailed character introductions and novels to the other party for review, so that the other party could fully understand the feelings of the characters in the writing. It's a pity that the final result was still very bad and tragic. Either the draft was delayed, or the character in the finished product was someone else, and Ben Xiong couldn't recognize who the character was at the moment.

The picture above is a character created by Bird Ye. Bird Ye's appearance when he was not broken (left), and when he was broken (right).

After the above situation happened many times, Ben Xiong finally became exhausted and gave up the option of adding illustrations to his works by commissioning.

Is it because your work is not easy to read? Is it because the other person's tastes are so different from your own that the people who accept the commission are boring or incomprehensible? Is your story too complicated? Or are your demands too high?

Reason one:
Rather than discussing whether it is well written, perhaps it is more appropriate to discuss the issue of "brokenness".

With more than ten years of writing experience, I have probably finished discussing whether the writing is good or not. Ben Xiong does not mind if you analyze Ben Xiong's novels . Therefore, this time, Ben Bear wants to look at this issue from a different angle: Soul Fragments.

Since the beginning of serious promotion, Ben Xiong believes that the reason why these craftsmen and big hands failed to perform well when drawing Ben Xiong's commissions seems to be due to the broken --- touching the soul fragments .

In fact, brokenness has also become the main reason for "even though some works are considered excellent, those works have not been more successful than they are now". What's more troublesome is that when a person is broken, in fact, he can't even remember the color, picture, plot, character name, etc., let alone understand the text. The so-called "every word can be understood, but cannot be read when combined" is actually mostly a broken problem.

Therefore, when the world view of a work is grander and more people are involved in the event, it is generally difficult for the work to achieve excellent development-unless the person who handles the work and the source of funds are not broken, they can fully understand the true nature of the work. charm. And this is also the reason why some works have been vigorously launched, but failed to become famous, or only became famous for a short period of time.

However, some people's crushing response will lead to "attraction", that is, these people will love certain works because of crushing, forming a "cluster of similar things". The reason why these human beings are different can be traced back to the moment when human beings were really born, because the original birthplace of these human beings was the earth, not the people who joined them later and came from other planets. Due to their different genetic traits, in exchange their souls will dare to face and approach all people and things that will break them, just because they can be "broken" after being broken.

Broken, can heal the pain of the soul. In fact, the "broken" in the broken, refers to the "soul fragment", that is, the wound tissue left by the soul when it is injured, we will also call it "fragment". Just like a person with a severed limb must retrieve the severed limb to perform a splicing operation, the soul must know where its fragments have fallen in order to be freed from the trauma. Therefore, the mystery of the trauma of the soul at that time must be solved, so it is called "resolving". .

Unfortunately, since disintegration is not popular in the world now, the effects of trauma have lasted for many lifetimes. As a result, "disintegration" has become "previous life interpretation", resulting in very low credibility. In particular, the average person has no memory of past lives, let alone the so-called "scientific age".

Therefore, the result of being crushed without breaking up is that many people suffer from mood disorders, cancer, sensitive skin, etc. At the same time, many people are constantly wandering in the same trauma , such as the so-called "men are not bad" "Women don't love them." Many people have been abandoned by unscrupulous people and then find another unscrupulous person because they are constantly broken, and this can also explain why people's minds are easily led by the public and the media.

Reason two:
The power of a work is not only superficially simple,
This is something that everyone's subconscious can experience.

In addition to being broken, other reasons for the work's unpopularity are the problems of curses and blessings. To understand how this thing works, we must first understand how the subconscious mind spreads the idea of another meaning through words, pictures, colors, languages, sounds, etc.

In the conscious world, that is, in the real world, it may seem that everyone is very peaceful, but in the subconscious world, it is very common that you may be beaten to death. This is also the reason why modern people often suffer from backache, body problems, Headaches and even the main cause of mood swings. "The strong eat the weak" is not just a cruel explanation of the truth of the world. This idiom is also suitable for the subconscious world. Therefore, sometimes the appearance of the work that is seen consciously may be another appearance in the eyes of the subconscious.

To give a simple but extreme example: A says "I love you" to B affectionately, B's conscious will understand it literally "I love you", but B's subconscious will understand that the words in A's words are "I hate you". you, so I won't set you free." This simple and extreme example of damnation happens all the time.
Therefore, in a set of well-known struggle novels, it is possible to see justice consciously, but what the subconscious sees is to promote the beauty of totalitarianism. These differences are common, and Ben Xiong created the short story "Due Poison" to explain.
Bird Ye drawing and design.

According to the above phenomenon, coupled with "broken", depending on the result of the trauma, it may make a person love a certain work for ten minutes, and then hate another work that he has not seen; it may make a person Indulging in the world of one author, ignorant or even disdainful of other authors; it is possible to fascinate a large group of people with one work and disgust them with other works.

So, no matter how peaceful and beautiful the conscious world may seem, the subconscious world is very likely to become a mess. In this case, being discouraged by the setbacks in the conscious world seems to be a meaningless act, because to describe it in a more realistic way, it is that the work just does not meet an existence who can understand its own charm. At the same time, it may also prove that your work is sending out a signal that is worthy of your conscience. It's a pity that people always don't like to see the truth and facts, and human beings are easily broken, which makes fast food works and fast food paintings more and more popular.

Reason three:
When broken, I accidentally put all my own soul fragments into the work

Where there is danger, there is opportunity. Although each person's crushing reaction is different, it will lead to different effects, such as being disliked, or being liked. And when a person is broken, it is easy to write all the fragments that have hurt oneself - it may be written in a conscious way, or it may be written in a subconscious way.

Therefore, it is very difficult for a person to judge what makes his own work unpopular, or why others seem to be accustomed to ignoring his own work: it may be that fragments of the story are accidentally written, scaring the subconscious of the public and making the conscious mind Unintentional reading or automatic filtering; it is also possible that the fragment just hits the public's pain, causing everyone to not want to face it. To read the meaning of what you have written will not only take time, but also may have a "blue curtain" situation, so Ben Xiong recommends that you read the following practical solutions to avoid creating when it is broken.

The solution: break up, break up, avoid breaking and stick to it

One: break up

For the reasons mentioned above, people’s works have been repeatedly denied or become the norm. The so-called “tasteful” is actually just another set of words for “not broken” or “touched” (depending on the uniqueness of each existence). trait). In the above theory, the easiest solution is to break it up. This can be done by using numerical reasoning skills or seeking professional processing, and with constant creation, the effect is more significant.

I would like to mention that " Community Activities | Make up a story with numbers (2)! Reasoning with numbers, finding creative inspiration with numbers " is now being held. You are welcome to participate and try this little skill of finding inspiration!

Two: Shred

The "removing" of the broken means "cleaning up", that is, cleaning up the touched soul fragments.

When the wound of the soul recurs, it can be imagined that the wound bursts open, blood splatters all around, and the mess must be cleaned up, such as re-dressing the wound. In this way, the touched fragments will be temporarily put away, which will help calm down and organize your thoughts, and restore work efficiency as soon as possible. To successfully shred, it can generally be handled by shifting the line of sight and tapping a specific position on the body part. Common shredding positions include:

Between the eyebrows, the inner side of the wrist, the depression in the center of the collarbone (also known as Tiantu on the acupoint), the bottom of the foot, the back of the ear, etc., it takes about five minutes. You can try to tap these places to find the most suitable place for you to crush.

However, the soul fragments that are usually touched are large-scale wounds, which basically cannot heal on their own, so they need to be broken up to achieve the effect of stitching and smoothing the scars. By the way, although it is a large-scale wound, in fact, some things that are very small to ordinary people may cause wounds, such as being born in a cold place... That person must be very afraid of cold.

Three: Avoid breaking

If it's not broken, there's no problem... it's not! But avoiding the broken, and indeed, is a very effective approach in a world where shattering is not fashionable.

1. Relax yourself <br class="smart">To avoid breaking, first stay away from anyone and things that may break you. For example, when emotions come from the Internet or social platforms, first stay away from any screen and any beep. Unless you are really lack of sleep, sleep and meditation, which are easy to attract external energy, are generally not a good method for ordinary people or those who are severely crushed. It is easy to cause more serious crushing reactions , such as decadence and sleeplessness. , driving violence, etc. What Ben Bear recommends is to stay in a quiet and dry environment for reading, painting, writing, etc., while staying away from beds, bathrooms and unnecessary social interactions.

For more serious crushing reactions, you are also welcome to read "Subconscious Sequelae" written by Ben Xiong.

Bird Ye drawing and design.

2. Listen to music <br class="smart">It is important to listen to music that relaxes you. Everyone's experience is different, and the music that can help them is different. Listen to your favorite tunes without paying attention to what other people are saying. Maybe you have been listening to music that can effectively help you break or avoid breaking... Of course, it may be the complete opposite. A love song is equivalent to leaking the air and closing the window [1] ”.
However, the problems caused by different fragments are different, just like a chest injury and a leg injury will cause different inconveniences, so using another fragment to avoid touching the fragment that most affects one's creation seems to be a problem. Practical solution ── "If you feel pain in the front, hit the back and the front will not hurt".

Four: Persistence, not stubbornness

I know human beings are still fighting, so please don't give up creating, but don't be stubborn either.

Creation is one of the most direct ways to unravel soul fragments in modern times, so be sure to persevere and rest in time. When the above-mentioned shattering reaction occurs, try your best to assist yourself in shattering, even touching. broken.

On the way to creation, some souls just want to avoid you from interpreting the fragments of the soul, because they can profit from it - such as appropriating other people's money, taking other people's skills completely, putting their own pain on others , These people often say "it's all for your own good", but it seems that they are the only ones who profit.

Therefore, when living in the peaceful manifestation of conscious awareness, please also pay attention to your physical and psychological conditions, and adjust yourself as much as possible. In this way, you will eventually meet your own Bole people in the creative workplace.

Finally, in the parts described above, some positions contain other people's curses on the world and human beings, and these parts can be dealt with in full. At the same time, give this message to all subconscious minds who can understand: 4968312869033.

[1] From Huang Zihua Dong Duxiao 2007 - The bigger the wok, the happier . It is worth mentioning that the "ghost upper body" mentioned in the performance is actually a crushing reaction.

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熊太先森|NFT 社群研究主修出版及印刷設計系,十年寫作經驗,曾入選 Mirror Spotlight,同時為 Penana 特約小說作者,將以人性、社群角度研究區塊鏈、Web3.0、NFT 等時事。合作、邀稿請電郵至 kumasanki@iboomcreative.com。
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