Wandering Stories with Camera #1 Onuma Quasi-National Park


Onuma National Park, located in the south of Hokkaido, is my favorite place for walking so far, and it is also the most frequent wandering place for me and the camera. Onuma Park is composed of several small islands. Because it is located in Hokkaido, even in summer, the weather is not too hot and there are not many mosquitoes. It is a must-stop for travel groups from Taiwan.

Onuma Park in summer. The mountain in the distance is Komagadake.

One of the famous photo spots in Onuma Park is the spot where Lake Onuma and Mt. Komagatake can be clearly photographed.

There are several walks in Onuma Park, one of which is to walk through each island through bridges of different sizes, which feels like breaking into a fairyland.

In the summer of the previous year (2019), there was also an activity of releasing water lanterns at the Lake Water Festival.

July 27, 2019. Lake Onuma Waterまつり
July 27, 2019. Lake Onuma Waterまつり

In addition to walking on the promenade, the periphery of Onuma is also very suitable for walking. The Onuma Marathon is held every October, but it has been suspended in the past two years due to the epidemic. The year before last year, my company colleagues and I made an appointment to run together, but it was canceled because of the typhoon. We missed the opportunity of the marathon before the epidemic. As a result, there was no wind or rain that day, so we still made an appointment to go for a walk outside.

The time for the Onuma Marathon is just when the maple leaves are red. In addition to looking at the maple leaves, you can also pick up fruit.

Onuma Park in winter is the best place to play with snow. Although there is snow on the streets, the snow that has been trampled on is very dirty, and there is not much snow in the urban area of Hakodate, so the best place to really play snowballs in Donan is Onuma Park. There will also be a small snow festival every February, and local people will make ice sculptures or snow houses.

It was the first time I saw the igloo there, and only after entering did I realize that the inside of the igloo is really warmer than the outside.

It looks a lot like a stomachache, but it's not.

In winter, the lake will freeze, and everyone will dig holes in the lake for fishing, which is very interesting. Fish caught can be grilled and eaten on the spot. I haven't tried it yet, but it's currently on the top of my to do list.

There is also a camping area in Onuma. Many people will camp in this area. The camping area is facing a large lake, which is very beautiful. I didn’t save the photos, but you can imagine getting out of the tent in the morning, listening to the sound of the lake and feeling the wind blowing from the lake. .

In addition, what you can't forget when you come to Onuma is the Onuma dumpling.

Source: https://good-hokkaido.info/sweets-numa-no-ie-nanae/

There is a "Numa House" at the entrance of Onuma Park, which sells two flavors: "red bean + soy sauce" and "sesame + soy sauce". I fell in love with it once I ate it. I used to drive all the way to Onuma Park just because I wanted to eat dumplings.

The transportation method of Onuma Park, in addition to driving, you can take a tram from downtown Hakodate and get off at Onuma Park Station. The journey takes about 30 minutes, and there are relatively few cars on the return journey, so you may have to watch the time first.

Finally, I look forward to the early end of the epidemic and the opening of the border as soon as possible so that everyone can come and experience the feeling of paradise for themselves.


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