Recently, 7-11 launched the Crayon Shinchan drink. If you like Xiaoxin, come and try it~

Recently, 7-11 launched the Crayon Xiaoxin drink series. If you like Xiaoxin, you must come and try it~ Hello everyone! We are Yamike and Xiaojie~ We are a pair of food sharers who specialize in Tainan cuisine! Bring it now! Come and try it~ Any source of pictures in the PS article is from the pictures taken by myself and post-production, please do not steal~ Thank you!

The drink this time was a Xiaoxin drink discovered by Yamik when he was hanging around in Xiao 7 one day. At the moment, he was attracted by its outer packaging and immediately bought it and went home to try it. Before trying it, you should take a few photos on your mobile phone. bar~

The front is super cute~
Super Q on the back XD

Fat Dudu Zaemon & Xiaobai
Nutrition labelling

There are only two flavors of Xiaoxin drinks, one is black tea milk and the other is coffee milk. Let's share the taste and personal thoughts after tasting it!

First, let’s talk about black tea milk, which is commonly known as “fresh milk tea” drink. I personally think its sweetness is slightly sweet, sweeter than slightly sugar but not sweeter than half sugar. If it is explained by the sugar content, it is 4 points of sugar. The sweetness of the left and right, the overall drink is quite smooth and has a strong milky taste. The first thought at the moment is like drinking "Lipton Milk Tea"!

Let's talk about coffee milk, a drink commonly known as "latte", its sweetness is also as sweet as black tea milk, with a sweetness score of 4 points, and the overall taste is not bad, sweet and coffee The aroma is fragrant in my mouth, and the current thoughts are very similar to the feeling of drinking "coffee square", which reminds me of childhood memories XD

The above is the idea of Yamik after drinking it to share with you, and some people on the Internet also shared the way of mixing the two flavors together. It is said that the taste is quite suitable~ If you are interested in trying it, welcome After tasting the taste, leave a message and share it with us to know~

Store information, conclusion

Store information is available at all major 7-11s in Taiwan!

The overall evaluation index is 4 points, the reason: because of the sweetness, Yamik is a person who does not drink too much sweet (sugar-free pie), although the overall is good to drink, but if you want to drink this series of drinks with sugar-free pie, you can add water to dilute the sweetness Drink later~

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亞米克&小婕出遊記☝️是一對愛美食愛分享的食客🥗 ✌️有時也會寫心情文章👨🏻‍💻 👌有正職工作,寫文章是興趣👨🏻‍💻
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